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03-05-2004, 07:34 AM
From Todays Havasu News Herald
Calif. legislator targets CO poisonings
By Brian Wedemeyer
A California lawmaker has proposed a bill intended to prevent more deaths from carbon monoxide poisoning around boats.
Assemblyman Paul Koretz, D-West Hollywood, last month proposed legislation that, among other things, would make it a minor crime to have a boat engine running while someone is occupying the water within 20 feet of the rear of the vessel.
“In the last few years, there have been dozens of deaths around the country, of both children and adults, due to CO poisoning while they are swimming near or being dragged behind boats,” said Koretz in a prepared statement. “It’s a very scary phenomenon that everyone should know about.”
Carbon monoxide poisoning at the Bridgewater Channel in Lake Havasu City has become a major issue during the past year. The channel attracts hundreds of boaters and partygoers on busy summer weekends, including many from California.
The Arizona Department of Health Services, which participated in some air quality testing, determined that a public health hazard existed last Memorial Day weekend. That same weekend, Mark Tostado, drowned in the channel. An autopsy later identified carbon monoxide as a secondary cause of death. The victimÂ’s family later filed a $2 million wrongful death claim against the city, which rejected the claim.
Assembly Bill 2222 has been dubbed “Anthony and Stacy’s Law,” named after 11-year-old Anthony Farr and 15-year-old Stacy Beckett, who both died while bodysurfing behind a boat.
“Unfortunately, their families learned about this risk after it was too late — but they are now on a mission of love,” Koretz said. “They want to make sure others never suffer the kind of senseless tragedy they have had to endure.”
The bill also would require two warning stickers on any new or used boats, and calls on boat manufacturers to launch an extensive public awareness campaign until carbon monoxide emissions are dramatically reduced.
Last week, the Lake Havasu City Council received a report from a private consultant who conducted a summer-long air quality evaluation in the channel. City staff is currently analyzing a list of options presented by the consultant before making recommendations to the council at a future date. Mayor Bob Whelan said the city would take corrective action prior to Memorial Day weekend.
While this obviously is an issue, to create more laws, at least from a criminal standpoint, is ridiculous! And it appears that the main reason for this due to the teak surfing. While I feel for the parents of these kids that were killed as a result of teak surfing the parents are the ones to blame, not the boat manufacturers! When are people going to stand up and start taking responsibility for thier own actions!?!?!?!?!?

03-05-2004, 08:05 AM
Send this dumbass an email, NOW! Just what you all need, more laws.
“Unfortunately, their families learned about this risk after it was too late — but they are now on a mission of love,” Koretz said. “They want to make sure others never suffer the kind of senseless tragedy they have had to endure.”
How ****ing stupid. Engine= carbon monoxide. Not to mention the fact that there is a shiny rotating sharp thing right in front of the kid's face. I can't believe an adult would allow their kid to do something so obviously dangerous.
Next: lawsuits when people discover that discharging a loaded firearm while it's pointed at your head can kill you...
:mad: :mad:

03-05-2004, 08:31 AM
How will we waterski and wakeboard? Do we have to drift away from the preson in the water until they are 20' away.:confused:

03-05-2004, 08:43 AM
Warning: Don't stick finger in prop while engine is on. :rolleyes:

03-05-2004, 08:54 AM
This has to be a joke.
There's no way in hell an assemblyman from West Hollywood would pass legislation against pipe smoking.:o

03-05-2004, 09:22 AM
It's so stupid.

03-05-2004, 09:27 AM
I sent this complete bozo an email telling him EXACTLY how stupid his legislation is.

My Man's Sportin' Wood
03-05-2004, 10:02 AM
Here's what I wrote him, I'm also e-mailing it to my assemblyman.
I am writing to you in response to AB 2222. I think this law is unnecessary. I feel if the assembly (State of California) issues a request to boat manufacturers to place a sticker on the back of the boat near the swim step warning idiots that engines produce carbon monoxide they would be more than happy to accomodate. From what I understand, several boat manufacturers have already begun the practice. It is in their best interest to release themselves a little from the liability. Boat manufacturers should not be responsible for the stupidity of buyers. I honestly believe that any parent allowing his or her child to body surf behind the boat should be arrested for child endangerment. It is the most absurd practice I have ever heard of. I have been a boat owner for many years and I would never dream of letting my children do this.
Again, a law is unnecessary. Recommendation should be sufficient.
Angela M. Knoll

My Man's Sportin' Wood
03-05-2004, 10:05 AM
Here's a link to the text of the law
AB 2222 (http://www.assembly.ca.gov/acs/acsframeset2text.htm)
Actually, after reading the text it doesn't sound too bad. I still don't feel a law is necessary (that's the libertarian coming out in me) but at least they make it a crime to teak surf ($100 fine--not enough for endangering a child :rolleyes: ). It appears the DMV will supply the stickers and all the manufacturers have to do is affix them in the correct spots. Sounds pretty painless to me. When you sell your used boat, the new owner will get the stickers with his new registration.

03-05-2004, 10:17 AM
I think we should requre guards on the engine exhaust so it can't discharge within 20' of a swimmer.

03-05-2004, 11:32 AM
Teak Surfing is already a crime. It falls under the heading of "Careless, Reckless, Negligent Operation."
I find it interesting that California would use the Channel deaths as part of their justification, even though a California Law would have no bearing on conduct in the Channel.
The law would also have no effect on out of state manufacturers, regarding their requirement to place stickers and inform the public of the dangers of CO.
I don't believe the state has any authority to regulate the manufacturing standards of boats. They CAN propose emission requirements, as they do in cars, but how the engine manufacturers meet those standards is out of their jurisdiction. And even then, there is absolutely no way to completely eliminate CO from internal combustion engines.
Only the Coast Guard can regulate boat construction standards.
This is nothing more than another liberal "feel good" law. There are already laws on the books that cover this kind of activity. I think he's just grabbing headlines, since I know of only one death occuring from swimming, or being in the vicinity of a boat's exhaust.

03-05-2004, 11:35 AM
Thanks again BoatCop for setting the record straight.:D

03-05-2004, 11:37 AM
I think this law will help to curb the accidents on LAKE HOLLYWOOD:D

My Man's Sportin' Wood
03-05-2004, 11:42 AM
According to the text, 34 people have died from this in California, but it doesn't give a time range. But, I agree, that the law is unnecessary. I feel that if the state recommended the warnings be put on the boats, the majority of boat manufacturers would do it. Businesses are always looking for a way to protect themselves against stupid people and their money-hungrey attorneys.

03-05-2004, 12:23 PM
I bet this Polititard has never even BEEN in a boat, much less owned or operated one. I would be embarrassed to stand in front of people saying that I dragged my kid behind a boat and killed him, and that you should feel sorry for me. Would you feel sorry for someone who dragged their kid behind a car for fun? Somebody needs to send the link to this thread to him because I informed him that his actions were the talk of many boating related websites.

repo man
03-05-2004, 12:39 PM
what if they get choped to chum? i know sue the prop manufacture .:mad:

03-05-2004, 12:40 PM
its pure stupidity...any engine is going to produce carbon monoxide!!! If they want to do stupid crap..then so be it. The fact that they tried to sue Lake Havasu City..IS what really gets me mad!!! They have nothing to do with the situation other then the lake being in there state. If your going to put yourself in that type of situation u have no one to blame but urself.
Damn I hate stupid greedy people...People who try to sue to get rich..especially for no good, god damn reason!!!! Thats been happening way to damn much latley.:mad: :mad:
Yes its a tragedy but trying to get money for that!!!! That is just immoral!!!! Damn !!!!!!:mad: :mad:
sorry...I just get mad at this crap..!!