View Full Version : Drivers side

03-11-2004, 12:13 PM
I was on my home today as I saw a nice jet, (about 20' or 21') on the 91. Just lookin at it, and it hits me.
Why are jet boats left hand drive and a lot of I/O's right hand drive?
Is there a reason??
Personaly I like driving on the left side.

Jungle Boy
03-11-2004, 12:25 PM
It's all about prop torque. On a prop type boat, you have the righthand drive to counter-act the torque that is generated by the prop turning. Jetboats don't experience the same type of problem due to none or very little torque.

03-11-2004, 12:27 PM
Originally posted by Danhercules
I was on my home today as I saw a nice jet, (about 20' or 21') on the 91. Just lookin at it, and it hits me.
Why are jet boats left hand drive and a lot of I/O's right hand drive?
Is there a reason??
Personaly I like driving on the left side.
Must have been some good coffee Dan:D

03-11-2004, 12:38 PM
Why are jet boats left hand drive and a lot of I/O's right hand drive?
Is there a reason??
Originally posted by Jungle Boy
It's all about prop torque. On a prop type boat, you have the righthand drive to counter-act the torque that is generated by the prop turning. Jetboats don't experience the same type of problem due to none or very little torque.
And all this time I thought it had something to do with steering, throttle and trim cable placement on the outdrive or outboard.

03-11-2004, 01:08 PM
Originally posted by Hotcrusader76
Must have been some good coffee Dan:D
It was not the coffee!!! :eek: :p

travis hathaway
03-11-2004, 02:25 PM
And most jet boaters are not LEFT HOT FOOTED! Do you still have those carbs?:)

travis hathaway
03-11-2004, 02:30 PM
Sorry Dan, that carb question was meant for Dan66Stevens.

03-11-2004, 02:43 PM
Originally posted by HalletDave
Why are jet boats left hand drive and a lot of I/O's right hand drive?
Is there a reason??
And all this time I thought it had something to do with steering, throttle and trim cable placement on the outdrive or outboard.
For as for why all jet boats have the helm on the left side is because the steering cable connects to the nozzle of the jet on the left side. You don’t want the cables (controls and/or steering) to have a bunch of bends/twist/turns/loops in them. It makes the cable inefficient. Furthermore the connection points for OBs and ODs is on the right side.
Just my viewpoint on things, i prefer helm on the left side of the boat.

03-11-2004, 02:56 PM
Mine is right hand steering. Not to mention right hand shift, throttle and diverter!:D

03-11-2004, 02:59 PM
It can be explained quite simply with the following formula
Jet Boat = x-y(q*2.5643)27.56+3.12*s(44DD* Implant CC) Y2
Assuming that x is a constant .38 cliber and and y is a constant size 44DD bra it becomes plainly obvious!
PS I stayed at a Holiday Inn last night

03-11-2004, 03:26 PM
Nice Miller!

03-11-2004, 08:36 PM
Take your old school JETBOAT and try mounting the foot throttle on the rightside. Doesn't quite work does it.

03-11-2004, 09:34 PM
I remember hearing I/O boats have there steering on the right because when your boating on any waterway other then the ocean, you have to stay to the right for the river and for a lake you have to drive counter-clock wise around the lake. So when boating, the driver would (should?) be navigating on the side closest to the shoreline.
I'm sure BoatCop could explain this better.