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View Full Version : ??? about Havasu city

03-28-2004, 08:15 PM
I know these questions come up here time and time again!
what is the comercial economy like in havasu?
are there any sign building shops there or and metal fabricating shops?
the summers are very hot It has been a long time since I have been out in the desert but how do your kids react to it are there any worries about letting your kids run around in the heat on an average temp?
what is the cst of livving like out there I wana say it isn't much if at all higher than here in Iowa?
what are the people like out there is it just like anywhere else or are there particularly bad spots to whatch out for?
How many boat factories are there out there and do they stay buisey year round?
I would like to move to havasu within the next 2 years or so!

03-28-2004, 08:39 PM
I heard Havasu is just a mirage in the desert. Doesn't really exist :D

hava life
03-28-2004, 09:19 PM
House prices went through the roof. Work doesn't pay much. The lake gets crowded. Launching the boat can be a long wait. The people are friendly. Love the pasties. I'll be moving there in about 2 months.

03-28-2004, 09:48 PM
I moved here to LHC from OC last year and just love it. Don't miss OC and the overcrowding one bit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

03-29-2004, 07:16 PM
Thanks everyone now all I got to do is get my wife to see my angle of moving to havasu!! kinda like tuging on a rope tied to a stuborn ass!:D

03-30-2004, 09:11 AM
Originally posted by jlnorthrup122
Thanks everyone now all I got to do is get my wife to see my angle of moving to havasu!! kinda like tuging on a rope tied to a stuborn ass!:D
tell her we never get snow!
Oh and check out my web site, I'll be happy to help you with the move once you convince her.