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04-10-2004, 10:48 PM
All I can say is WTF? The first words that come to mind when I think of these people are "self important", "pompous" and "incompetent". This whole endeavor is nothing but a shameless attempt by politicians to get some TV time and try to hang the blame on somebody for 9-11. Don't forget, these are the same people who gave us the broken Social Security system, Welfare and spent us into a multi-trillion dollar deficit. Now, with the benefit of hindsight they're going to sit there and tell us all the ways 9-11 could have been avoided. Then to try and place blame on Bush, when they even admit that Bin Laden has been considered a threat since 1997. Who was president then? Anyways, this commission is like the U.N. They runt their mouths all day long but in the end they won't actually accomplish anything!

04-11-2004, 06:41 AM
....... ask the families who lost loved ones on 9/11 and have been sitting in on the hearings, what they think. Many are speaking out.
NY Washington DC PA

Dr. Eagle
04-11-2004, 08:37 AM
Let me think here.......
Hind sight is always 20/20
Yep the commission sees really well, don't they now?:rolleyes:

04-11-2004, 08:52 AM
I was up close too close that day. I hate being reminded. I am a strong person but that day was very emosional to me. And always will be. Watching people jump out was recking me as a person every time and has left me a diferent person for life. I never thought I would ever see anything so horrific and real ,in my face. I had embraced so many strangers on the street that day. Americans are beautiful loving people!
On 9-11 I am plannig to open up and give yall my day that day and might be too real for your children but I will be telling it how it was.
The topic here though High roller your right. Quit blaming people here and just do what you have to do to pertect us I cant handle anouther up close tragedy like that without perf. help.:frown:

Dr. Eagle
04-11-2004, 09:05 AM
I wouldn't have a problem with the commission if it wasn't so highly politicised. Lets face it, the federal government failed it's prime directive. To protect it's citizens. If the government doesn't protect it's people, everything else it does won't matter.
So why are the democrats so keen on tossing dirt on Bush? Makes you say hmmmmm
Far as I am concerned they all screwed up from way back. And unfortunately this country will only take something seriously when lives are lost. The wheels of government seem to run slowly and often don't mesh at all. That needs to be fixed.
What really needs to be fixed? I think our biggest issue in the last 20 years (probably forever) has been our intellegence. That's why we thought Saddam wouldn't invade Kuwait in '91. That's why Clinton shot cruise missles at an asprin factory, and a lot of the reason Bush wanted to invade Iraq. Also a lot of the reason for the 9/11 tragedy, fix the intellegence, learn from our mistakes... but lose the witch hunt.

04-11-2004, 09:49 AM
the reason for the 9/11 tragedy, fix the intellegence, learn from our mistakes... but lose the witch hunt.

Dave C
04-11-2004, 10:37 AM
worst case of monday morning quarterbacking I have ever seen.
They need to fix the problem... not the blame....

04-11-2004, 12:01 PM
Originally posted by Dave C
worst case of monday morning quarterbacking I have ever seen.
They need to fix the problem... not the blame.... Yes Blaming doesn`t fix nothing but saticfy some peoples need to see overacheavers mack mistakes. I want safty not a hearing.

04-11-2004, 01:21 PM
Originally posted by HighRoller
They runt their mouths all day long but in the end they won't actually accomplish anything!
What are you talking about? In the end, the accomplishment is HUGE.
They WASTE MORE of our hard earned tax dollars looking for ways to waste MORE of our hard earned tax dollars.
Government by the people, for the people.
What we need is LESS government interevention in all of our lives. Unfortunately it will never happen, there is way too much money to be had.

04-11-2004, 07:48 PM
I heard this on a am radio talk show. It was very interesting.
Apparently about a year before 9-11 some middle eastern types attempted to fly from one way, with no luggage and paid cash. This set off bells and whistles with the airport security so they did not allow them to fly. Guess what. They sued and won because their civil liberties were impacted.
Now move to 911. Middle eastern types, one way tickets, first class, no luggage, and paid cash. Again, bells and whistles go off. Security officials attemp to intervene. Guess what happened. The lawyers said let them fly. We don't want to get sued.
The rest is history.
Again this was on one of the conservative talk shows and I haven't heard much more about it.
But I bet if they tried to fly today under the exact same circumstances they would be allowed. Because in a free country you CANNOT step on someone's civil liberties.
Dr. Rice said "We have4 to be right 100% of the time, they only have to be right once." Think about that.
What if we got intel that terrorist were going to drop a nuke on a major amusement park this summer, what could we do. Shut everything down. No, we would increase security and cross our fingers. "They only have to be right once."
Sorry for being long winded, but this topic stikes a nerve with me.