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View Full Version : Wild Card Poker Run Pics

04-17-2004, 05:52 PM
http://www.***boat.com/image_center/data/511/821Wild_Card_Poker_Run_04_015.jpg http://www.***boat.com/image_center/data/511/821Wild_Card_Poker_Run_04_016.jpg http://www.***boat.com/image_center/data/511/821Wild_Card_Poker_Run_04_019.jpg http://www.***boat.com/image_center/data/511/821Wild_Card_Poker_Run_04_025.jpg

04-17-2004, 05:55 PM
very cool.. Dave puts out some awesome boats.. even the blue and white one in the backround.. LOL!! cool pics..:D :D

04-17-2004, 05:56 PM
http://www.***boat.com/image_center/data/511/821Wild_Card_Poker_Run_04_029.jpg http://www.***boat.com/image_center/data/511/821Wild_Card_Poker_Run_04_043-med.jpg http://www.***boat.com/image_center/data/511/821Wild_Card_Poker_Run_04_113.jpg

04-17-2004, 06:12 PM
http://www.***boat.com/image_center/data/511/821Wild_Card_Poker_Run_04_075.jpg http://www.***boat.com/image_center/data/511/821Wild_Card_Poker_Run_04_077.jpg
http://www.***boat.com/image_center/data/511/821Wild_Card_Poker_Run_04_021.jpg http://www.***boat.com/image_center/data/511/821Wild_Card_Poker_Run_04_039.jpg http://www.***boat.com/image_center/data/511/821Wild_Card_Poker_Run_04_118.jpg

04-17-2004, 06:25 PM
http://www.***boat.com/image_center/data/511/821Wild_Card_Poker_Run_04_114.jpg http://www.***boat.com/image_center/data/511/821Wild_Card_Poker_Run_04_112.jpg
http://www.***boat.com/image_center/data/511/821Wild_Card_Poker_Run_04_070.jpg http://www.***boat.com/image_center/data/520/821Wild_Card_Poker_Run_04_072.jpg

04-17-2004, 06:46 PM
E Ticket
http://www.***boat.com/image_center/data/511/821Wild_Card_Poker_Run_04_090.jpg http://www.***boat.com/image_center/data/511/821Wild_Card_Poker_Run_04_088.jpg
http://www.***boat.com/image_center/data/511/821Wild_Card_Poker_Run_04_104.jpg http://www.***boat.com/image_center/data/511/821Wild_Card_Poker_Run_04_005.jpg

Member: 7673
04-17-2004, 06:51 PM
Good job,
Now if you only learned how to post in Riverratlife.com
No really Good Job.......

04-17-2004, 07:00 PM
Just Ask?

Tom Slick
04-17-2004, 07:10 PM
Thanks for posting those pic's. Can't wait for next weekend. There should be some really sick boats out there for the Heatwave.:)

04-17-2004, 07:25 PM
I didn't see too many boats today. Did they get a late start?

04-17-2004, 08:12 PM
They started around 11.

04-17-2004, 08:15 PM
I figured it was gonna start around 8 so I ran down to cat tail to watch. I got bored and headed back up. I saw OG Shocker go by around pilot rock followed by a low speed Predator run. I was disappointed. I really wanted to see him run. I expected more boats too. Still some nice rigs out there. I can't wait until next week I will be in that one. Hopefully the wind lays down by then.

04-17-2004, 08:23 PM
Yeah, it was kind of windy, so we didn't put the boat in. We ended up at Nautical for breakfast and that's where I got all the shots. Like you said, hopefully the wind will be gone by next week. I'll be sideline. Good luck!

04-18-2004, 10:32 AM
Nice photos. We had a blast out there. The water was pretty blown out but all in all a safe event with some beautiful boats. Most importantly though we met some cool people and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. My only complaint was the start was at 11:30 and unorganized. Hopefull next year will be better as far as the start goes.
Unleashedclothing (http://www.unleashedclothing.com) :devil:

04-18-2004, 10:42 AM
Originally posted by unleashed
Nice photos. We had a blast out there. The water was pretty blown out but all in all a safe event with some beautiful boats. Most importantly though we met some cool people and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. My only complaint was the start was at 11:30 and unorganized. Hopefull next year will be better as far as the start goes.
Unleashedclothing (http://www.unleashedclothing.com) :devil:
Are you going back out this weekend too! 4/24!

04-18-2004, 10:59 AM
Yes I'll be back out this weekend. Should be some more sick boats out.
Unleashedclothing (http://www.unleashedclothing.com) :devil:

04-18-2004, 11:09 AM
I forgot about the ***boat Poker run was this weekend.
Kinda suprised me when all of these photo's showed up of the big boyz.
Should be a fun one with better weather.
See ya on the water.
Was the Turtle open?

04-18-2004, 11:22 AM
Every time I see Tucson on the back of this boat I get a little smile on my face:D
Heard someone saw the boat over a Larry's a week or so ago.

04-18-2004, 11:58 AM
Once again the Turtle was not open and I didnt see anyone working on the construction part??? It looks like they got stopped in there tracks on the new bathrooms??
Unleashedclothing (http://www.unleashedclothing.com) :devil:

04-18-2004, 12:38 PM
AWESOME pics!! one of these days i'm gonna find the time to actually be in havasu for one of these runs. if nothing else, just to add a few boat pics to my collection:D

04-18-2004, 12:39 PM
Originally posted by unleashed
Once again the Turtle was not open and I didnt see anyone working on the construction part??? It looks like they got stopped in there tracks on the new bathrooms??
Unleashedclothing (http://www.unleashedclothing.com) :devil:
maybe they were being yelled at for the noise.. LOL!! :D :eek:

04-18-2004, 12:40 PM
DCB RACING HELICOPTER:eek: :eek: i guess business isn't doing so good huh??:D :D

04-18-2004, 01:07 PM
Mrs V, when is your boat due for arrival?? Those 29's look phenomenal on the water.
Unleashedclothing (http://www.unleashedclothing.com) :devil:

04-18-2004, 01:09 PM
it should be out june 5th or so.. they are working on getting it delivered at op6. but we'll keep our fingers crossed..;) :D

04-18-2004, 01:36 PM
Just a shout out to Dave at DCB whom I consider a freind and just an overall great person. He bought dinner for us Friday night and was great to talk with. Most importantly though he is a great father and that is the test of a true man!
Got to meet John and his wife from Ultra whom have a beautiful family. My daughter was crazy about there little boy Gavin. Very cool peeps.
Had a blast hanging out with Charlie and doing runs together. Its fun having good friends and Charlie and his family are tops on my list.
3days only sorry about your boat I really wanted to see that thing run. Dont worry you'll get it figured out. Skully sorry about the belly comment I owe you a beer next time we hangout!:D
Dano from Force man you are going to be the death of me. We drink way to much when we hangout.
Gibson and wife and daughter thanks for hanging with us. When are you gonna let people know about those silencers. You can't even hear your boat now!
Joel from Genesis thanks for the Carne asada. Man the latino crowd really knows how to cook!
To pegged DCB it was nice having a running mate all the way to the springs, the boat looks awesome.
Everyone else whom I didnt metion it was a great weekend! We'll have to do it again real soon. Oh yeah how about next weekend.
Here are the only photos I took this weekend as something happened to my camera.
The covehttp://www.***boat.com/image_center/data/500/249pok1-med.JPG
The windhttp://www.***boat.com/image_center/data/500/249pok2.JPG
DCB Helicopter, One of the best shots that my camera has takenhttp://www.***boat.com/image_center/data/500/249pok3-med.JPG
Unleashedclothing (http://www.unleashedclothing.com) :devil:

04-18-2004, 09:01 PM
Cool pics, looks like you had a great time.
See you next weekend.

04-19-2004, 09:13 AM
Hey Homer, Did you have your boat out this weekend??
Unleashedclothing (http://www.unleashedclothing.com) :devil:

04-19-2004, 12:49 PM
Hey Deano, no I did not put the boat in the water. I was down there to take care of a problem with the sound system in the boat. Will be in the water for sure this coming weekend.

04-19-2004, 01:17 PM
I'll see you this weekend Homer.
Hey John, will you guys be in the poker run this weekend??
Unleashedclothing (http://www.unleashedclothing.com) :devil:

04-19-2004, 03:45 PM
ALright John, I'll see you out there in May.
Unleashedclothing (http://www.unleashedclothing.com)

04-19-2004, 03:49 PM
Hey Deano, saw you a couple of times in the channel and if I remmeber correctly you even beached it near me. Wanted to come say hello and intro myself but I got busy with the ladies and partying and then you left. But nice boat and good to see ya!
Saw lots of Forum members which was cool. Did not get to meet any of them which was a bummer.

04-19-2004, 03:53 PM
Which boat is yours??? Next time come by and introduce yourself and the ladies!:D
Unleashedclothing (http://www.unleashedclothing.com) :devil:

04-19-2004, 03:57 PM
I have an Eliminator Deck boat, purple and red.
I will definately make a point to stop by and say hello next time. We will be going again the weekend of April 30.