View Full Version : Who wants Chet Capoli...

HotRod Sprint
05-07-2004, 08:42 PM
Lets all let Hammer know how we really feel

Dr. Eagle
05-07-2004, 08:48 PM
Pine box may be extreme...

05-07-2004, 09:09 PM
The pine box was tempting but.....I say just ***boat

King Kuracz
05-07-2004, 09:38 PM
Pine box, kicked off ***boat, what's the diff???

05-07-2004, 10:31 PM
Kicked off hot boat may be a compliment. I've tried but no luck. Some have and lived to tell the tale.
Pine box? Only one has returned so they say...

05-07-2004, 10:49 PM
The guy seems like a chump but, I don't think he should be kicked off just for voicing his opinions.

Jet Hydro
05-08-2004, 06:05 AM
I picked """Restricted from posting on certain threads""" but I think I want to retract that. After a lot of thinking I really think """Kicked off of ***boat""" would fit the bill much better.
My reason on Why,
If he`s left to post in other non tech threads he`ll only turn them in to the same thing he`s done to the tech threads. I cant believe I once stood up for this guy. He picks a shop and or a product every year and pull`s the same stunt year after year. "Kick his ass off here" is the only right thing to do. I like to bash back and forth with him but he`s gone from bashing the members of the forum to bashing the people helping us members. I know for a fact that it`s hard to get people like Duane to take the time to post when they could be spending their time making money working. If you know Duane like I do you would know how lucky we were to have him posting. He`s a real busy man and doesn't BS much, you could call him a workaholic.
I don't know if booting chet off would bring Duane back or not, but it`s a way to prevent chet from running off anyone else that might offer some help with our quest`s for Jet Boat Performance.

Jet Hydro
05-08-2004, 06:09 AM
Russ opinions are one thing, whet he does is another and I feel it has nothing to do with an opinion!

05-08-2004, 06:20 AM
His "opinions" are destructive to the community, negative, sarcastic, unhelpful and unnecessary.
Send him packing.

05-08-2004, 07:19 AM
Originally posted by Mohavekid
His "opinions" are destructive to the community, negative, sarcastic, unhelpful and unnecessary.
Send him packing.
My opinion EXACTLY - I have NEVER seen him contribute anything but sarcasm and negativity to anything he posts on - yes, he is allowed an opinion, no doubt (this IS the USA), but his attitude and acidic banter SUCKS - PERIOD! buh-bye now!:D

05-08-2004, 07:52 AM
Originally posted by Mohavekid
His "opinions" are destructive to the community, negative, sarcastic, unhelpful and unnecessary.
Send him packing.
Ok mohavekid you wanna be in the spotlight here then explain your self. Your just being ignorant. I just tell it like it is. What i see here is fact. I dont swear here, call people names(unless they call me first) talk about thier employment or anything. This place should be somewhere to learn...not to "direct" someone or something to a certain shop over and over..BOTTOM LINE. Old slowy..er slowboat...er...MR JET HYDRO(he feels he's grown up from a year ago of slamming hbjet and others with a foul mouth and different names...how he forgets so quickly. He's with "royalty" now and doesn't hang on the street corner. :rolleyes: Wasn't it you MR. JET HYDRO that was slamming HB's girlfriend a year ago?? LIke that was necessary... I've always used one name and i'm here and want to tell it like i see it. MY OPINION. When you get called all these childish names over and over(even by certain "pros') you tend to slash back. Never once did HB's shop call me names and "push" products like a cheap salemen. It's called class..better look it up! Dont' tell me the promotor is here just to offer his time cuz he's a great guy ok...he is here to MAKE MONEY AND SELL HIS PRODUCT slowy..er...MR. jethydro, sorry! Texasjet drove 16hrs and spent ALOT of money with the help from your golden pom poms pal and all i wanted to know is why he didnt go to his BACKYARD at SDBA069 when the same quality is there and could have saved a buck(in his case alot of bucks) That is why SDBA069 doesnt come here much im' sure. I'm the one who stood up for another "guru" outside the "spotlight" like i always do! Yet i get flamed for it. :rolleyes: You people need to support the locals that support YOU!! WTF??? :confused: If you can get a better deal somwhere else...then SPEAK UP ABOUT IT! We all want to save money!
When i put my boat on here with my progress i had it photo shopped to the joke of people...i got picked on for using brand X...and on and on and on....why isnt all this mentioned?? How quickly we forget!
GS marine, Performance jet , walts..etc dont come here because of me?? WHO ARE YOU BS'ing??? Get the facts straight will ya! They dont come here cuz it was the donut board for a while...now it's a support group. Who's next in the "spotlight"?? Truth of the matter is there shouldnt' be a "spotlight"..there should be mulitple guys here offereing information...NOT JUST ONE cuz the "support" groups "chase" all the rest away...NOT ME! Lets not "twist my words" as the promotor does(and says for that matter) Walts came here a few months ago to support his ride(150mph) deal to get rediculed by a few too many. He says he can flow a bowl and get 5 to 8mph...you guys make a joke..why?? Dont believe it? If slowys promotor said he could get that...hell you'd believe it and he'd even sell ya a few trinkets while your out the door! You know why..cuz of slowy, kenf and the rest of the support group thats why! "SPOTLIGHT" baby! I question the snoot cuz it's $500 dollars and there isnt enough INFORMATION and RESULTS on it to buy one as of yet. Sure you have the support group saying "best thing i ever bought" and on and on. That squirtcha guy was on the loudspeaker for a while then vanished...what happened there?? anyone know?? Maybe it's not the best thing since sliced bread that's why! Where are all the regular "joes" out there who bought one and it worked??? WHERE ARE THEY?? WHERE ARE THE RESULTS?? Hell man its' $500 bucks not $250!! Maybe it "didnt" work? Maybe the money isnt' worth the MPH investment. Ever think of that? These are the results you guys are looking for so why call me out because i ask these questions and you dont ??? I run 87mph in my boat and did everything myself and saved a ton of money looking for deals. I can sell my boat(less towel racks) for $4000 tommorrow and break even cash wise!...how many of you can say that?? HOW MANY???Why do you guys call me out when you want to be the same way.

05-08-2004, 08:16 AM
In your own words Chet, "ENOUGH ALREADY!"

05-08-2004, 08:35 AM
I think Chet should stay!

05-08-2004, 08:53 AM
me too..

05-08-2004, 09:42 AM
The problem I'm having with you is you spout something off yet don't back it up. You said the ultimate wear ring had a problem but never proved it. You talked about impellers but when put on the spot, you didn't come through.
Duane, Greg and many others have proven track records with many types of hulls, you don't. I don't ever recall Duane saying the snoot would work on every boat, quite the contrary.
As far as Squirtcha goes, he's around, he got a big gain that went down but has now experienced some real good numbers again. I don't know all the particulars in his set-up, he'll have to share that.
As far as some of the pro's that have left, I know first hand why a couple of them left here and it's not because of it being a doughnut board.
BTW, what difference does it make it someone wants to spend their money with one builder or another, it's their choice isn't it?
If they want to drive 16 hrs, it's their choice.
If they want to buy a snoot, it's their choice.
People don't want to hear they were stupid to do what they did and that's exactly what you do.
Personally, I've purchased items from a lot of the people on here and other boards. I like the fact they are/were readily available for info on what I want to do. The only exception with that is not too many of them have much info on Panthers so my options were limited. Now that I also have a boat with a Berk, I've received a lot of great info from a long list of pro's.
Ya know, that ADM banner at the top really ticks me off, blatant advertising if you ask me...............

Jet Hydro
05-08-2004, 09:45 AM
First off Chet I
NEVER slammed HBjet`s girlfriend!
I never Slammed any Shop or their Products
Talk about someone that twist`s words around, look at your self chet. HBjet`s girlfriend and I haven't had words that I can remember? Maybe she will see this and straighten this one out for us? I still say she`s got to be the hottest chick`s on here ;)
There were "multiple guys here offering information" once a pon a time but thanks to you they have left.
As far as HBjet and I go, That was all because I stood up for you. Until I did that we got along fine, he even had a link on his web sit to mine.
I screwed up and stood up for you not knowing what you were all about.That cost me a lot of respect from a few board members. Now that I know what you stand for I wish I wouldn't have stood my ground so tightly. HBjet flung shit at me so I flung it right back. I`m not one to take shit with out giving it right back. As far as my growing up ...lol.... I`m not ever going to grow up Chet, Not ever! All I did was let some of my knowledge slip out of the bag a little and some people caught on that I know a little more than I had let on. I didn't grow up by no means.
As far as Gary SDBA 069 goes, Chet you want to keep talking about shops promoting what they have for sale why don't you do a search on 069 (He`s a good friend of mine and I hope he understands why I`m posting this ?) You will find about 20 different topics he posted in less than one month letting us know he had some parts on e bay and a few boats for sale. Now keep in mind Chet that he made the topic`s just to sale stuff.
I cant remember where Duane has ever done that once? What would be wrong with it in the first place???? If I have something for sale you can bet I`m going to make a topic in hopes that one of the board members might want it. Just how STUPID are you?
Chet you keep bringing up the ****ing snoot, you say Duane`s price is $500 well I got an e mail a while back from ATM and their price is $600 something. You get sick of hearing how well it work`s, I wonder why the Guy`s that bought one that didn't work don't post??? I can tell ya, There are none...duhhhhhhhh
Chet you are a ****TARD and should not be allowed to even share the same space as a cockroach. I say black flag this waste of life. Back up your statements with first "a picture of that ****ing ware ring that you have!"
Tell then you still blowing it out your ass as always!!!!!
Why would you want to walk in a room where no one even likes you???? I was the only one that ever took a stand because I hate to see the little guy get the shit kicked out of him all the time but would you please hold still so I can take my shot!
Well I think my old grown up ass is going to go to the SX races...lol... Grown up ...lol... your to ****ing funny Dipass. I may be getting older but grown up is pushing it...ROTFLMAO

05-08-2004, 12:05 PM
I've never favored kicking anyone off. Freedom of speach rules. That includes slowly and jroos. Consider, an opposing opinion about wear rings or droop or whatever can spark different thinking and new ideas...progress...interest...participation. Even if the challenger's a bit controversial, sarcastic or crude in his approach. Ignore the BS and focus on the challenge.
Kick Chet off and you can kick me off.

05-08-2004, 12:44 PM
Bye to you too then, I think he sucks, from all the bullshit with miss hb jet to the stuff with Mike at Rex he is an ass

05-08-2004, 12:47 PM
Originally posted by LVjetboy
Kick Chet off and you can kick me off.
Sweet a package deal!!! :D :D :D
Could you get us a graph and a couple charts showing the before and after post counts and bandwidth usage? Just playing Jer, you know we dig the graphs. :D

05-08-2004, 12:58 PM
Jordy, figured I'd offer. :)
Schiada96 = v-driver with a jet boat complex. Unfortunately for you Schiada, I'll be around a long time...just to hassle v-drivers...

05-08-2004, 01:00 PM
Originally posted by LVjetboy
Jordy, figured I'd offer. :)
Schiada96 = v-driver with a jet boat complex. Unfortunately for you Schiada, I'll be around a long time...just to hassle v-drivers...
yeah i'd love to go as slow as you

05-08-2004, 01:09 PM
Then follow me to a cove and see how slow you go w/o yo bad ass prop.

Blown 472
05-08-2004, 01:33 PM
Game on!!!!!!!!!!!!!

05-08-2004, 03:23 PM
Originally posted by HBjet
I think Chet should stay!
Me to...and no Slowy has never dissed me.
Hi Chet.;)

05-08-2004, 03:48 PM
i say he can stay he always provides excitement when two places get mentioned:D

05-08-2004, 04:44 PM
If a guy pisses you off that bad then track him down pound his ass with a baseball bat, but "voting" someone off for their opinion is wrong. if we were all of the same opinion it would be too boring for anybody with common sense to read these boards. and I hate to say it this but this guy is not wrong 100% of the time..02

05-08-2004, 05:53 PM
I noticed the lack of a "Let him stay" choice. this sounds like the type of democracy that is slowly choking the life out of Hi-performance boating on lakes around the nation. Too loud, too fast, too big, they don't have a boat like ours. This whole thread is "CRAP"!!!!! USE THE IGNORE FEATURE. Chets opinion is as valuable as the next guys. his budget minded approach is a breath of fresh air compared to the "throw all the cash at the problem you can" mentality. Does a ***boat have to be $40.000 to be hot? I don't agree with everything he posts. BOO! HOO! for my time spent reading it. I move on Like an ADULT, not a child in a school yard. I say to each his own. If you don't like my post "IGNORE ME". I Think the great Pros who post are invaluable to us. IMO they have just learned to take any critisism in stride. I say let Chet stay, if becomes apparent I don't like his posts I will ignore them . whatever I'm out, R.B.

Old Guy
05-08-2004, 06:14 PM
It has been said that ;
"A true cynic knows the price of everything, but the value of nothing"
I have not seen a shortage of cynics........anywhere

05-08-2004, 07:11 PM
I say Chets ok to have around.
If he wants to challenge jet related topics, well this is the place to do it, however I will agree that some of the things he says are lame at times.
In my opinion, guys like 472 should get the boot, he contributes nothing except a bunch of shit talking and only creates problems.

05-08-2004, 08:41 PM
I think he finds humor in everyone replying to what he says. Just ignore his posts and don't reply to him if you don't like what he has to say.

Jake W
05-08-2004, 09:55 PM
Chet and I have had our problems but who cares if I dont like something he says I tell him ,so he and every one else can see.
I think it was Edge that said shit about Mrs HBJet.
Chet you are a DICK, your buddy Hobo now wheres my ham samich.
He is harmless.

05-08-2004, 10:14 PM
That squirtcha guy was on the loudspeaker for a while then vanished...what happened there?? anyone know??
Where you been Chet. I'm here every single day. It's akin to my morning coffee. MPH numbers are still climbing too dude. Hoping for 90+ with my latest acquisition. I'll let you know.
Chet, chet chet...............You're one of a kind
Thank god.
Oh yeah, do you have any friends?

Jet Hydro
05-09-2004, 12:10 PM
Originally posted by ChetCapoli
Old slowy..er slowboat...er...MR JET HYDRO(he feels he's grown up from a year ago CHET
Yep I`m all up, but I dont think I`m "grown up"
I love my Green Bike :D
Not bad for a guy about to hit 40 :eek:
SXracing, "Dirt" that`s whats for Dinner

05-09-2004, 01:39 PM
Ya know as much as Chet and I disagree on things I still can't vote on any of the above. There's no forum rules he's violated that I know of. Being an ass isn't something we kick people out for (thank God) or we'd all be gone at one time or another. I just avoid and ignore when I don't like what I'm readin whether it be Chet or anyone else.
As much as Chet and I have gone a few rounds on this forum I'm confident if we actually ever met we could sit down and have a beer and laugh about it. Don't take this internet too seriously guys, life's too short.

05-09-2004, 03:47 PM
for this thread.
Back to Jet Boats...please!