View Full Version : Folsom Lake (Ca) condition

04-02-2006, 10:01 AM
Folsom Lake (Ca) speed limit set to 5 mph last week because of serious floating debris (trees, refrigerators, propane tanks etc). Does anyone know what will be done to clean it up ? If the weather gets better I hope to get the hydro wet in Folsom some time soon.

04-02-2006, 12:11 PM
sounds like the new johnny cash song folsom lake blues...

04-02-2006, 06:59 PM
I was out there last Tuesday and there were signs that said 5mph reccomended at Folsom Point (formely dyke8).A buddy was testing his Cal Performance Jet and made a few 96mph passes and said it wasnt to bad in the main body.There were obviously no patrol boats around as Val did not have any baffles in the Bassets,and anyone that boats Folsom with bassets knows you hardly ever get away with that.I just drove over the old rainbow bridge and noticed they are dumping huge water again,sure would be nice if they just let if fill for once :cool:

04-04-2006, 06:51 PM
Info, let me know, the wood deck is ready, was thinking about going to CFW whenever the weather clears up, but I'm good for Folsom when the debri is gone.