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05-11-2004, 03:03 PM
sometimes you just have to relax and think of how lucky you are.
two evenings ago i was in the shop buffing out some of the aluminum parts on the boat while my girlfriend is outside sitting in the boat working on the carpet. all of a sudden i hear her yelling "FIRE" as she is running into the shop to get me. you see dad (79 year old) decided he wanted to smoke some fish in a homemade smoker that he put outside in the back of the shop. he lights it up and walks away. now you folks have to realize my shop is a gutted out single wide trailer and the yard looks like sanford and son. ( about as white trash as it gets) thers stuff all over the place that can and would make an enormouse blaze. not to mention he thought by covering the smoker with a drop cloth it would hold the smoke in better. ( the old man just wont listen to a word i say) anyhow, i point to the shop fire extinguisher and she is all over it. im trying to get to the other extinguishers as she is fighting the blaze. now some of you know i dont move very quikly as i am a paraplegic. so i yell to her and say "here's another one" she runs and grabs it from me and goes back to the blaze. im getting another extinguisher, and the phone, but she yells she's got it. after 2 large extinguishers and a garden hose the fire was out. she is a HERO. i would have never known if she hadnt been here helping me work on the boat, and dad may have lost a son. (though he still thinks it was no big deal). one thing i forgot to mention is that Toni (my girlfriend) is deathfully affriad of fire. she has told me many times that she was glad in a way that i didnt become a firefighter as i planned before the accident, because she would have nightmares about fire all the time. BUT when it comes right down to it, SHE is amazing. kept a level head and attacked that fire like stink on poop despite her worst fear. she broke down crying right after the fact, but my god is she amazing. her being a nurse allready qualifies her as being a hero to some, but now she has earned the medal of honor.
we have had plans to get the place cleaned up in a couple months despite dad fighting me tooth and nail about his treasures, but after this we are definatly rethinking our game plan. dad may get pissed and angry, but it just may save a life. i wish he could realize that.
so i just wanted to let whoemever is interested in the fact, know that no matter what, stop and relax and think about what you have and who you have in your life, and appreciate it.
:and a special note to Toni:
Thank you Baby for saving me and our belongings. I love you!:D

05-11-2004, 03:11 PM
Good Catch Toni:D

05-11-2004, 03:13 PM
Way to go girl!!!:D :cool:

05-11-2004, 03:18 PM
Amazing! You said it right she's a hero! :cool:

05-11-2004, 03:22 PM
way to go girl.. great news .. true hero.. ;)

05-11-2004, 03:27 PM
Right on, I get paniced myself when fire breaks out. Had a car catch fire in the shop and all I could do was yell fire. Felt like an idiot. Tell Toni she did good.

05-11-2004, 03:31 PM
You should be proud, great job.

05-11-2004, 04:53 PM
Whew! Close one.:cool:

05-17-2004, 09:19 AM
well, there you go again honey... makin' me cry;) thought I did enough of that after the fact. a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do especially when it comes to her man and her BOAT!!!:D I love you too.
PS i'm glad to be back in the loop.. that worm knocked me out for about aweek or so:(

05-17-2004, 09:39 AM
Way to go girl! Have dad smoke his food somewhere else. Even
though it sound like he won't listen. Maybe set up spot for him.
And say, "Dad this is where you cook your food."