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View Full Version : Hang up and Drive Dickhead!!

05-15-2004, 01:16 PM
Just got back from West Marine, boy they love me there. $300 bucks, poof gone like that....
Rant: Begin
Anyway coming past Seaworld the entrance to the 5 is not an easy one. Its where two lanes merge into one then back into two before you hit the ramp. The lines are long and it takes two light changes just to get close to the ramp light on a busy day like today.
There is alway a line of cars in the left waiting, and the line on the right of the "snakers." The ones who sneak in at the last second, cuz they don't want to wait. This causes the waiters to suddenly stop, further exacerbating the problem....:mad: I must admit sometimes I have been a snaker, too.
Anyway, me being my normal good driving self, I like to leave a little room for stopping distance, like we are told to. Of course here is some "snaker" who pops in to my braking distance, at the last second, then stops for the yellow, causing me to miss the green light. :mad:
Then the light turns green, but since he's on the phone, he gets snaked by three or four others, causing us to miss the next light at the onramp itself. So now its been 4 changes I'm sitting through...... I am in no hurry, but just annoyed at the stupidity of this fat **** on the phone.
Finally we got on the freeway, so I figure I'll play with this guy a little. I'm not mad, really just annoyed. Plus I am in the Wrangler so I have no power. I merge in front of him and slow down a little. Even with the car in the slow lane. Just enough to box him in a bit, when he want to go around I speed up......the whole time he's still on the phone and probably does not realize any of what's going on........
Finally he hangs up and goes around on the left, putting him in the third lane. But dumbass then notices he needs the next exit....uh oh. There's me in the way......sorry buddy, Mandelon is not leaving any gaps for you this time......I give him a dirty look....and he hits the brakes and cuts across three lanes behind me, taking time to flip ME the bird for not letting him in...
I just smiled..:D
Do you guys do that too???
Rant: End.

05-15-2004, 01:22 PM
Hell yah I do.. I hate people that sneak like that then expect you to move out of their way like it's their world and we just live in it.. I like doing it with my truck.. I'm so high.. I just make them think I can't see them and they are beneath me.. :D J/K but I do.. I like to piss them off as much as they did me.. I hate people on the phone while driving.. ;) :mad:

05-15-2004, 03:04 PM
Mandelon, something like that would make my day. Sometimes it feels so good to be an asshole. Justice :D

05-15-2004, 03:12 PM
We have a similar situation at the Main St onramp to the 15 fwy south (for now, they are re doing it) The "snakers" cause more accidents than I care to mention and aggrivate the heck out of me. What gets me though, is that 80-90% of them once on the fwy are going 65-70 in the slow lane. What's the big hurry then?

05-15-2004, 03:22 PM
I know the spot you talking about.I drive my work truck so many think they can snake me but i too follow close and pay attention and will not let them in they try to put their bumper in but i close the gap. And give them a dirty look if i have to wait in line so do they.I do the same on lane merging areas they know the lane will close but they try to sneak in.The only exception i give is to truckers and people with trailers since i can see them trying to get in way before but no one lets them plus we have been in that situation towing boats

05-15-2004, 03:32 PM
Yep. :D
Snakers, LOL... I'm gonna steal that.

05-15-2004, 04:25 PM
Snakees belong off the side in the bushees. :D

05-15-2004, 04:31 PM
Mandy, why you gotta be such a tough guy?

05-15-2004, 04:52 PM
I got snaked by one of those a'holes last week. I'm still a FNG idiot though and think I'm a young badass. so I chased him down the fwy in reaaaallllllllllllllllll slow traffic reaching out of my window, grabbing his mirror and trying to rip it off his car. Heh Heh Heh!:D

My Man's Sportin' Wood
05-15-2004, 05:26 PM
I love when truckers are on to them and block the way, cracks me up. I was waiting in traffic due to an accident one time and a few people started driving down the shoulder of the freeway. So, me being the b!tch that I am, I pulled over just enough so no one else could "snake". One guy had the nerve to honk at me to get out of his way. The kids just started laughing. I'm breeding the next generation of a$$holes :D
snakers make me crazy

05-15-2004, 05:29 PM
Originally posted by Mrs. Sportin' Wood
I love when truckers are on to them and block the way, cracks me up. I was waiting in traffic due to an accident one time and a few people started driving down the shoulder of the freeway. So, me being the b!tch that I am, I pulled over just enough so no one else could "snake". One guy had the nerve to honk at me to get out of his way. The kids just started laughing. I'm breeding the next generation of a$$holes :D
snakers make me crazy
I love this girl.. she's on it.. :D :D

05-15-2004, 06:11 PM
I LOVE to have a line of Jerk Offs try to sneak up the lane that is closed for construction.......But when those 18 wheels are headed over towards there hoods.....:eek: They tend to get the ****ing Picture.....;)