View Full Version : Head Gaskets Water Leak

Rock-it man
06-14-2003, 08:48 PM
Anyone had a problem with water in the oil comming from head gasket after the heads O-ringed and the block wire ringed,?water pressure,?gasget presure ? I carrected it but would sure like to know if anyone else had same problem. Rock-It Man

06-15-2003, 06:34 AM
Just tore my motor down last week, it appears we had some water seeping in. One thing we are doing is replacing the head bolts with studs that won't stretch like the bolts.

06-15-2003, 06:37 AM
going through this same thing myself if you heads are studed dont use teflon wont hold up use a product called leak lock what happens you get a spike in your wate pressure and that lets water in from the weakest point had to go with 1 1/4 id dump off the sea strainer to keep the psi down smaller dia wont dump quick enough to avoid the killer spikes also take the t-stat out
good luck

Rock-it man
06-15-2003, 10:16 AM
I added an ajustable pressure relief valve to a dump after the sea pump,removed the t-stat and in the heads cut .005 wider and .003 deeper still have .003 to compress the wire in the head gasket this will add .003 pressure to the outside of the gasket,the wire ring on the block still works fine,also cut down the pickup a little more now 10 lbs at 105mph is the max pressure it rose to ,soon as I get to a bigger lake will try for more speed and watch the pressure close.My heads are studded. Thanks for the input ROCK-IT MAN

06-18-2003, 07:56 PM
Had the same problem on my blower motor. The block had been previously o-ringed and it left the rings up toooooo tall. Checked everywhere and the census was to chuck the block or deck them off and not use rings or on a longshot use Fattie head gaskets and pray. Well I wanted lotsa boost so I got .060 coppers and put her together.Long story short nothin but headaches.studs never leaked a drop but you could see the leak pattern on the gaskets not to mention see the sprinklers when you pulled off the valve covers. finally permatex ultra copper sealed the problem.What a pain in the butt !!! to this day I hate chocolate milkshakes

06-19-2003, 10:26 AM
I agree with wfodude. Permatex ultra copper did it for me. As much as I hated to do it.... it worked....