View Full Version : BIG River..............

06-19-2004, 02:11 PM
Who has a place there? Thinking about a spot there. Might not be able to get one until summer is over, but, we're looking around now. Shit, Blue Water costs us over a grand a month to stay there so it's time to start spending more wisely.
For those of you that have a place there, tell me why you like it and what you don't like. What time does the water come up?
I have an Ultra 21XS and I think it'll do fine there, just looking for guidance from someone that stays there.

Mrs. Psycho Squid
06-19-2004, 03:51 PM
We spent pretty much every weekend there a couple summers ago at my bro-in-law's place. We bought a place, but then turned right around and sold it. Never even stayed in the new place.
Why I like it -
- "The Man" doesn't sit on you all day like they do at other places.
- Alot of very nice, high powered boats. (lots of bling, bling to look at)
- Not alot of idiots on seadoo's (still some, but you are not over run like you are in other places)
Why I don't like it -
- No sandbars & really not very much beach
- Alot of the locals are rude!
- Water is unpredictable. You never know when it's gonna come up. I remember one day it was so low all day we never even got to launch.
- Rock bars suck!
For us, Martinez is home and always will be. I'm not saying Big river is bad, we just choose not to really go there anymore. Just my $0.02
Mrs. P:D

06-19-2004, 06:45 PM
Contact Wrightnow he has had a spot there for about the last 12yrs;) He's up there this weekend also!!

06-19-2004, 09:12 PM
Originally posted by MudPumper
Contact Wrightnow he has had a spot there for about the last 12yrs;) He's up there this weekend also!!
Twelve years huh? Hmmm. I wonder if he likes it there ;)