View Full Version : Brothers (and sisters), a wake up call!

06-25-2004, 12:09 PM
I don't know about the rest of you, but I must admit I may have become pretty complacent after so many years of traveling without something like what I'm about to tell you happening to me or anyone I know.
You read about it, but it couldn't happen to you or me... could it?
Here's a wake up call.
Watch your backs when traveling this summer!
My oldest brother just got shot in the foot during an attempted robbery this week while traveling on bussiness.
He stopped at a Chattanooga Tenn. hotel and three armed black men tried to force their way in when he opened the door to go into his room. He would have let them have his wallet and computer, but they were telling him to go into the room and lie down on the floor. He was afraid that if he did that they would put a pillow over his head to muffle the gun blast and kill him. So he refused to do what they told him to and one of them fired two shots at his feet, one bullet hit him in the foot above his big toe.
They all seemed to suddenly realize that the shots would have been heard and looked away from my brother at each other as if to ask "what do we do now?" at which point my brother shoved all three of them out the door and slammed it shut. (adrenaline is an amazing thing!)
He says it wasn't until then that he realized that he had been shot.
It could have had a much worse outcome.
What a shocker for us and the family!
We want to see all of you again, and meet those we haven't yet met.
So have a great summer! But be aware, and be careful!
Tim & Beverly

06-25-2004, 12:33 PM
glad to see he's ok tim
grant d:eek: :confused:

06-25-2004, 01:12 PM
I don't believe that alot of people think that this type of situation will happen to them. You always hear that type of story on the news, or on a talk show. It will open me and mike eyes. We hope your brother is doing okay.

Lady Warhawk
06-25-2004, 05:45 PM
Tim, and Beverly, so sorry this happened to a member of your family. Gods speed for a fast recoveryto your brother. One never knows when they wake up in the morning what the day will hold for them. Live each day as if it's your last, you just never know in these days, and times.
Best wishes for you, and yours.

Lady Warhawk
06-25-2004, 05:47 PM
I heard someone was told the accident was not our fault? Who is privy to that info?

Wet Dream
06-26-2004, 10:07 AM
Originally posted by jellomama
I heard someone was told the accident was not our fault? Who is privy to that info?
Ummm, you made us all privy to it :rolleyes:
Shortened version
Junior Member
Registered: Jun 2004
Location: NC
Posts: 17
Danny talked to the game warden, and the prelim shows the jet ski making a hard right, and running into us. That's a bit of good news I thought I would share with you.