OK, having a limited exposure to the jackass, and unwilling to waste any money on his latest piece of documentary dung, I have to admit when I saw Roger and Me listed in the program guide on HBO last night I was kind of curious. After all, this was the springboard that he used to get it all started right?
Let me just say that is 2 hours of my life that I'm not getting back. I went to bed feeling dumber after seeing that. Yeah, watching the town deteriorate was kind of sad, but other than that, the guy is horribly unprofessional and I believe he has 2 brain cells and they're fighting. There were a couple instances in the movie that proved that theory. The best one however, when he's talking to the rabbit lady while she's skinning a rabbit:
MM: What kind of a fur coat would you make with rabbit fur?
Her response: A rabbit fur coat. What else???

If you think that movie's bad, wait til you get a chance to be disgusted by "Bowling for Columbine" or "Fearandhate 9-11"
Next time he leaves the country I say we don't allow him back in and we give his MANY MILLIONS of $$$ to those who won't/don't work because he wants US to take care of them. :lightsabe