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Thread: Forgive me, I'm a Repubican,, but,,

  1. #1
    Flying Tiger
    Has, for the past decade, Dan Rather seemed like a mental patient to you???
    OK, the phony Nat Guard papers created at Kinkos aside,,, Is Dan A nut cake?
    Does John Kerrys wife act and appear like she downs hot loads of Valium and lithium hourly? Is Ms Kerry a head case??? Watch her on TV,, her eyes and head float around like a turd in an outhouse.
    Seriously,, on the level,, am I mistaken???
    Is Ms kerry a mess???
    Whats your take?:

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    That about sums it up...
    And Dan is gay. I'm surprised he doesn't show up for his newscast in a tu-tu.

  3. #3
    Does John Kerrys wife act and appear like she downs hot loads of Valium and lithium hourly? Is Ms Kerry a head case??? watch her on TV,, her eyes and head float around like a turd in an outhouse.
    Seriously,, on the level,, am I mistaken???
    Is Ms kerry a mess???
    Whats your take?:
    Yeah- except when a person is rich, it's not called crazy.... they're eccentric!
    I think her behavior is harmless far as I know she's never killed anybody!

  4. #4
    HM far as I know she's never killed anybody!
    Can't quite say that about Billary.

  5. #5
    Everyone seems to talking about the memos and whether they are forgeries or not (clearly they are and almost everyone agrees). People are talking about Dan Rather wondering if he'll come out and say they were duped (he won't).
    Hardly anyone is talking about the real story (of course the media isn't) - that Dan Rather and his cronies at CBS were only too happy to run with a bogus story - one that they were told was bogus before they ran with it.
    They didn't care about journalistic integrity (gotta be an oxymoron) nor did they even care about doing what was right (making sure the document was real). Nope. They were so blinded by dumping on Bush (more Bush-haters like Don) they couldn't wait to get the "story" out there. That's why it was the lead story on 60 Minutes II the other night.
    All I wish for is a statement of truth (but I don't need it because I can see the truth). I would like CBS "News" to come out and say that they won't be calling themselves CBS "News" anymore. From now on they're going to be calling themselves "CBS Opinions" - because that's all that business is. If you mistake them for a news organization you're obviously drinking that John Kerry left-wing Kool-Aid.

  6. #6
    CBS=Can't Believe Story
    It's a bitch when your bias overrides your journalistic integrity and you get busted for it. I keep hearing a rumor that the memos were dangled in front of Rather by a Republican operative because they knew his hatred for the Bushes trumped any kind of judgment he might have.
    Anyways, I find it funny that the DNC is pushing this story just weeks after they made a big deal about Bush supposedly backing the Swift Boat Vets. They challenged Bush to back away from attack ads, then THEY THEMSELVES release an ad featuring excerpts from Rather's report as if it were a smoking gun! I love it when a party gets desperate, especially the Democrats. They are the masters at dirty campaigning, but fortunately for America people don't react well to that kind of smear tactic.
    It's all but over for Senator Lurch and the wheelchair chaser. I think the fact is finally sinking in across the countrythat Kerry's only campaign issue is talking negatively about Bush. He has no plan, no vision, no heart and no record of leadership. He refuses to disclose any specifics about how he will provide universal healthcare for everyone and not raise taxes. What a loser. :sleeping:

  7. #7
    Here's some more on Ms. Heinz-Kerry, she's great for a laugh got this off of Compuserve
    Teresa Heinz Kerry Said Darndest Thing
    When Teresa Heinz Kerry visited volunteers working in a hurricane relief center in New York City that was packing supplies to be sent to the storm-ravaged Caribbean, she said she was concerned they were packing too many clothes. The Associated Press reports that she said, "Clothing is wonderful, but let them go naked for a while, at least the kids. Water is necessary, and then generators, and then food, and then clothes."
    Oh Teresa, just shut up!!

  8. #8
    Oh Teresa, just shut up!!
    Thank's Mike! I was hoping someone would tell her that!

  9. #9
    I sent her an E mail the other day saying just that, i guess she isn't going to write back... oh well glad i didn't get my hopes up
    Mike VG

  10. #10
    CBS = Creative Bull Shit

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