What a f'n awasome weekend!! Met too many cool people, great fun, great boats, great weathere, great water conditions...kinda like BEAUMONT!!
Phat Matt and Goldi ran it hard with us...he was Definatlely the Bar King..
Friday night ran it hard at Tarzans...went to bed 5:30 a.m woke up justa aftrer 7a.m. and off upt mojave!! (2hours sleep thats how we do it)
Partied at teh beach all day till about 3 p.m. snuck away with a few of our close crew (Force26, PHatt Matt, Dexman, Dho) up to Gasoline alley...and before half anhour passed there were 21 boats bumpered up with us in G.A.
They just wanted to "RUN IT HARD!" about 46 boats showed up total...after G.A we left about 7 p.m. just before sundown and about 9 boats went with us up north about half way to Cottonwood...( Boxscore, Dho, Frenchies, Phatt Matt, Scream, Dexman, Force26, Rk also to name those i remember...)
Put the lights on all the boats, and pumped the tunes, for an hour or so in the dark...was absolutely awsome...water was like glass....then headed back to kathereines and off the water about 9-9:30...
Back to the hotel, to shower, dinner about 11p.m. few mo drinks then hit the hay about midnight to be up a t6:30 a.m. .......to keep a commitment to Run it hard at havasu..
Drove dwon to Moabi to meet Havasu lvr (who lost a $$$ bet tha ti woul not make it on sunday) then headed dwon to havasu!! Met up Kachina 26 , Dicudmore and Froce26 with Dho, Myself and Havasu lvr...down to the spring for brunch...(was great)
Perhpas best part of weekend Force 26 breaking down and having to be towed by a SHOCKWAVE!!!!
It would of been me but we were up ahead (as usual) swiching a demo prop so i could test it out!! ( only ran about 73 pmh on havasu with pretty choppy water)
SO Dho was with Force26 and got the honors...boy Gary got some Sh#t!
Thanx ot everyone for coming over and saying hi!!! YOu made it the best time for me and the Wifey...if i left ya out i apologize..but when you post about 30 pics ...which are to follow your brain ceases!!!
I am gonnna post pics now to follow ....lots!!! it might take my several 'POST REPLYIES'....SO PLEASE WAIT TO 'POST A REPLY' FOR A FEW MINUTES UNTIL IM DONE..THANX..'L'