Over the years i have been coming to the conclusion that the modern day libs are self loathing Americans that have sunk to a low point that only unreasonable people would fail to call unAmerican! The libs have produced two Presidents in the last 28 years and both Carter and Klinton have clearly demonstrated their unAmerican essence by way of their actions towards this country, its values and mainly America's military!
I urge you to read a book I just finished by retired Air Force Lt. Colonel Robert "Buzz" Patterson. The title of the book is Reckless Disregard: How Liberal Democrats Undercut Our Military, Endanger Our Soldiers, and Jeopardize Our Security. Buzz Patterson wrote this book after serving as the White House liason to the Air Force for President Klinton. Which means from 1996 to 1998 he carried the nuclear football which is the brief case with all the nuclear codes and communication devices for the President in case of war.
Read this book and then tell me if the demorats have not reached a place that isn't UnAmerican! Lets say am officer that served in Iraq or Afgahnistan left the service this month and then became a antiwar protestor and accused his fellow combat brothers of commiting atrocities that included rape, muder and whole sale slaughter.............then that same officer all on his own with out permission traveled to Afgahnistan and began negotiating and meeting with whats left of the Taliban and Al Queda (enemies of America) as well as Osama Bin Ladden. All the while his fellow soldiers were in the field dying and blleeding in combat. This officer would be giving aid to the very enemy that was killing American GI's! I assure you that this behavior would be construed rightly so as treason!
Well that is exactly what john "the Traitor" kerry did in the Nam!
This guy is the epitomy of unAmericanism! I neither respect him nor like him! And my contemp for all the stupid son of bitches that will vote for him this year only confirms thta YES their really is a divided nation in America. those that are right thinking and those that are unAmerican!