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Thread: Another Reason Kerry Is Not The Right Choice

  1. #1
    --------------------------------------------------------------------------------this was posted on a drag racing site,-
    John Kerry mentioned in the first debate that he WILL sign the Kyoto Treaty as President. Little is being said about this but Maters need to know that economists have said this treaty will destroy most non-esential businesses (which would include drag racing). The treaty states that the United States will cut ALL energy related emissions by 1/3rd. What this will do is cause gas rationing or an extreemly high tax on gasoline. This will prevent race teams from being able to transit thier race cars to the race track which will force tracks to close and will leave racers no place to race their car. It will also doom the high performance parts industry.
    President Bush has not and will not sign the Kyoto treaty because of the devistating effect it will have on business and the economy. I posted this here because you guys need to know whats instore if Kerry wins. I don't want to be typing on this site about the good old days three years from now. Pepole need to know this before the election not after. If there's a reason to vote it's this issue! This s hit will affect pleasure boating and big suv tow vehicles too!!!

  2. #2
    I wish people realized how insidious this Kyoto Treaty is. First, the other signing countries will not follow it, but we will if it becomes law. Russia only wants to sign so they can sell "credits" to the U.S. The net effect will be that liberals will have complete control over the U.S. energy supply.
    Don't believe it?
    Ask yourself, why does it have to be a treaty? We can, and do, write pollution laws all the time.
    Imagine that 10 years hence, you go out to start your car in the am. Your car says, "Wait while I check with Washington, and get permission to start." The answer comes back, "How much have you donated to the Democratic Party this month?"
    Can't happen?
    You'd just call your Congressman and complain right?
    But wait, a treaty is the highest law of the land. Nothing can be done!

  3. #3
    Guess No One Is In A Political Mood Today

  4. #4
    This sounds realy F U C K E D UP!! who in there right mind would sign this..I plan to read into it and find out WTF

  5. #5
    that's unreal. not only does kerry make me sick it's shit like this that never gets shown on the liberal news that will totaly screw us. these bastards are of the attitude that we should all just be slaves and that we're to stupid to spend our money the way we want. noise laws, emissons testing, gas taxes , we'll all be living like a bunch of little old ladies with jobs if these commie fags keep it up.

  6. #6
    What is the Kyoto treaty?
    The Kyoto Treaty commits industrialised nations to reducing emissions of greenhouse gases, principally Carbon Dioxide, by around 5.2% below their 1990 levels over the next decade.
    Drawn up in Kyoto, Japan, in 1997, the agreement needs to be ratified by countries who were responsible for at least 55% of the world's carbon emissions in 1990 to come into force.
    The agreement was dealt a severe blow in March 2001 when President George W Bush announced that the United States would never sign it.
    Finance - funding for poor countries to develop new technology
    Mechanisms - tough systems in each country to verify and report carbon emissions
    Sinks - heavily forested countries can use their 'tree sinks' to offset greenhouse gases
    Compliance - countries that fail to keep to their greenhouse gas reduction targets should face legally binding consequences
    A scaled-down version was drawn up four months later and finalised at climate talks in Bonn in Germany in 2002. The treaty now only needs Russian ratification to come into force.
    If and when the revised treaty takes effect in 2008, it will require all signatories, including 39 industrialised countries, to achieve different emission reduction targets.
    With that aim, it will provide a complex system which will allow some countries to buy emission credits from others.
    For instance, a country in western Europe might decide to buy rights or credits to emit carbon from one in eastern Europe which could not afford the fuel that would emit the carbon in the first place.
    Bonn compromises
    The US produced 36% of emissions in 1990, making it the world's biggest polluter.
    The revised Kyoto agreement, widely credited to the European Union, made considerable compromises allowing countries like Russia to offset their targets with carbon sinks - areas of forest and farmland which absorb carbon through photosynthesis.
    The Bonn agreement also reduced cuts to be made to emissions of six gases believed to be exacerbating global warming - from the original treaty's 5.2% to 2%.
    It was hoped that these slightly watered down provisions would allow the US to take up the Kyoto principles - but this has not proved to be the case.

  7. #7
    Everything I have been able to dig up on this Kyoto Treaty deal tells me its a big waste and will do nothing but put restrictions on the US and how we live. It will impact everything we do and have a very negative affect on our economy. If John Kerry cared about the economic growth of this country he would not support the Kyoto Treaty either.
    Also, according to everything I read even the extreme enviro nazi's aren't supporting this act because they say reducing the emissions to the standards this treaty calls for isn't going to do much for the enviroment but instead will create problems with a global economy.

  8. #8
    Kyoto is a thinly veiled attempt to restrict the United States' economy so that Western Europe can play "catch-up" or level the playing field in the World market. If this piece of shit is ratified it will jumpstart the European economy without those people having to lift a finger....I, however will lift a finger to them, my middle finger.

  9. #9
    The first line from Kerry is from an interview with Field & Stream magazine. The second is from Bush's website.
    Kerry: Well you’ve got to enforce the emission standards. And you’ve got to fight with other countries to hold them accountable, too. That was the flaw with the Kyoto Treaty—the less developed countries were left out. And what goes up into the atmosphere in Asia can have an impact on a Montana, Wyoming, Oregon, or Washington lake just as much as anything else.
    __________________________________________________ ______________
    Ohio State Senator Jeff Armbruster: John Kerry Can't Hide From His Record
    COLUMBUS, OH – Responding to John Kerry’s campaign travel in Ohio, State Senator Jeff Armbruster (R-North Ridgeville) today issued the following statement on John Kerry’s wrong ideas on the economy and the Kyoto treaty:
    “John Kerry is trying to run from his record of higher taxes and more regulation on small business, but he can’t hide from it in Ohio. John Kerry’s policies are bad for business here in Northeast Ohio. We can’t grow our economy and create jobs with John Kerry’s economic plan of higher taxes for business and more government spending.
    “John Kerry just doesn’t understand the issues of Ohio. If he did, he wouldn’t be embracing radical ideas like the Kyoto treaty and its overzealous environmental regulations that would strangle our local economy, and he wouldn’t oppose common sense legal reform and energy legislation designed to help small business owners and working families.”

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