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Thread: flu shots

  1. #21
    Death from influenza itself is rare. But influenza can aggravate underlying medical conditions, such as heart or lung disease. Invading influenza viruses produce inflammation in the lining of the respiratory tract, damage that increases the risk that secondary infections will develop. Common complications include bronchitis, sinusitis, and bacterial pneumonia, occurring most frequently in the elderly, people on chemotherapy, and people with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) or another disease that compromises the immune system. If properly treated, these complications seldom are fatal.
    I've never gotten my kids one and to the best of my knowledge nobody I know has ever gotten one either. Sometimes the risk of complications from the vaccine itself outweighs the benefit. Aren't flu shots a relatively new thing? Is there any evidence to support that they are reducing deaths?

  2. #22
    The great flu pandemic of 1918-1919 killed an estimated 675,000 (yes - THOUSAND) Americans and somewhere between 20-40 million worldwide. The influenza viruses mutate every year and haven't really returned to a virulent form for quite some time. DO you remember the SARS problem that struck the world in 2003? about 10% of the people that caught it died. An influenza pandemic will kill 10's of thousand times that number.
    Like I said, natural selection. We're not all supposed to live ya know. But then again I would have died in the sixth grade when my apendix ruptured so I guess I should get in line.
    Thunder, I hear ya. I don't think my old man gets them either but I'm sure you're right that he should. No kids here other then me so the world is safe from my green jean pool.
    BTW, what's virulent mean anyway?
    super (ain't no doctor) dave013

  3. #23
    Mrs CP 19
    I have gotten a flu shot for 5 years and never had a reaction or have been sick. The shot is a 'killed' virus and you do not get the flu from the shot. My husband skipped the shot 5 years ago, got the flu and has never missed getting one since.
    By the way, this year was imperative for me, as I have cancer and am on Chemo....hence, I am weak...So, should I just skip treatment and die since I am "weak" now? I do not think so!!!! Jill

  4. #24
    I have gotten a flu shot for 5 years and never had a reaction or have been sick. The shot is a 'killed' virus and you do not get the flu from the shot. My husband skipped the shot 5 years ago, got the flu and has never missed getting one since.
    By the way, this year was imperative for me, as I have cancer and am on Chemo....hence, I am weak...So, should I just skip treatment and die since I am "weak" now? I do not think so!!!! Jill
    Jill, No you should not and I'm very sorry it came across that way. My best friend passed from cancer and it was tuff.
    Joking is joking but your deal is no joke as you and your family know more then anyone. Please stay "strong" as you must be a fighter to be going through what you are.
    Once again, I'm sorry about my comments. Please excuse me while I beat my head with this big rock.
    super(feeling like shit right now)dave

  5. #25
    Mrs CP 19
    Don't worry about it, just wanted to stress how important it is to some of us even if we aren't 'old people'.....please quit knocking your head against the wall!!! It just sucks to be me at some moments!Jill :smile:

  6. #26
    Like I said, natural selection. We're not all supposed to live ya know. But then again I would have died in the sixth grade when my apendix ruptured so I guess I should get in line.
    Thunder, I hear ya. I don't think my old man gets them either but I'm sure you're right that he should. No kids here other then me so the world is safe from my green jean pool.
    BTW, what's virulent mean anyway?
    super (ain't no doctor) dave013
    Virulent -
    Extremely infectious, malignant, or poisonous. Used of a disease or toxin.
    Capable of causing disease by breaking down protective mechanisms of the host. Used of a pathogen.
    Bitterly hostile or antagonistic; hateful: virulent criticism. See Synonyms at poisonous.
    Intensely irritating, obnoxious, or harsh.
    I've gotten flu shots the last 4 years and haven't even a hint of a sniffle or any other symptom. Before that with family gatherings around the holidays I always seemed to get a cold or two and the that I'm gettin' older I pay more attention to this kind of stuff. Flu can easily turn into pneumonia which can take down the toughest of us.

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