I have posted some more updates from my cousin's web site here and on the sticky at the top on his recovery. Also please remember the raffel at Catalina. We're still looking for donations, all the info is on the "sticky" site. Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers!
Gery S.
TUESDAY, APRIL 11, 2006 03:52 PM, CDT
Mike has continued to do very well. He has become more "alive" each day! He has had a little more pain in the last day or so, but we're thinking it's gas from eating or his abdomen expanding from eating. He hasn't been too sleepy either which surprises us. A lot of the doctors have been by to see him today and are so impressed at his quick recovery. He has really grown to love the doctors and vice versa. No one has given us a time frame as to when Mike will be discharged but we are thinking by the end of the week. We would like to have him at home for Easter. We will just have to wait to see, we don't want to push it too much because that wouldn't be good for Mike.
Mike is really touched by all of your congratulations and heartfelt notes on the guestbook. He can't wait to see each of you in person. We love you!
THURSDAY, APRIL 13, 2006 01:40 PM, CDT
Hi There!
Mike has continued to recover amazingly well. He has had the entire hospital staff come by to check in on him & see if the talk in the hall is true, that he is doing so good! We went for a walk outside today to get him some fresh air and he loved it. After being in the hospital for 2 1/2 weeks he loved the sun on his face. It is very nice here, it's suppose to be 75 degrees today. The trees are all turning green and there are flowers blooming everywhere. It is beautiful.
They are saying he may go home on Friday or Saturday. He is getting stronger & stonger. Because he is taking such a high dose of immunosuppresants so he doesn't reject his new liver, he is very suscepatable to germs and illnesses. The doctors have told us that Mike should wait for 6-8 weeks to pass before he has any visitors at home. They will eventually bring the dosage of immunosuppresants down and he won't be as susceptable to germs then. We know this may sound like a lomg time before you can come to visit but we doon't want to jeaopardize Mike's health now. We have waited far too long for him to be healthy again.
Thank you for all your love. We are so blessed to have an amazing support group. I know you have made such a difference in Mike's willingness to fight. We love you with all our hearts.