So what do you think we can expect for the next four years?
I will try to convey what I heard on the news yesterday about the red/blue states. They are trying to dilute this things so bad but it had something to do with gay marriage/divorce rate/charitable contribution. I think it just gives an insight of what we get to hear for the next four years. I have aven noticed the media has takine a swing and even tried to get the truth out sometimes. Not very good at it since it is something they don't inherently do well to begin with.
Anyway it boils down to, the blue states support gay marriage, the red states have a higher divorce rate and the red states also give more to charity even though the needy throw more support to the blue areas.
The next four years we will see a chameleon like effect from the liberals. They will try so hard to be someone to everyone. Our liberals will try so hard to act like conservatives and regain some of their control again. So watch out America, a wolf in sheeps clothing covered by a suit. I forsee a blurring of the character between Republican & Democrat. It will be hard to tell the difference.
Even Hillary has begun to go to church. I heard some commentator remark about it.