CROSS your fingers gents,I just got off the phone with paul bassettand he,s been bustin his ass trying to make a baffle that works without stealing too much HP.They were at puddingstone this wknd and got a 700+ hp boat to idle at 86 to 89 db,s with just a couple of ponys lost,"he thinks, but pretty sure ",so hope the dude handled it cause this would be sweet,"until the bastards give us a speed limit too".Any way, just hold tite til he gets all the numbers back,he said he,d let me know and all keep ya guys posted.This is bitchin news I thought you all might like to know.HE talked to the powers that be,Iguess early 1990s something boats have to be 90 db.s ,so he,s gettin close,thats 1990 somethin and earlier".