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Thread: Anyone See the

  1. #1
    Blue Collar Comedy Tour Rides Again (2) ?
    Bought it last weekend and watched it...I still like Ron White better in the first one......nothing tops "Drunk in Pubbbbbbliccc" to me but the second one is still good.
    Gotta love those guys.

  2. #2
    nothing tops "Drunk in Pubbbbbbliccc".
    We know... we saw your airport run.

  3. #3
    We know... we saw your airport run.
    HEYYYYY NOW....I was No where near drunk......... but Alison, well......thats another story.

  4. #4
    Tater Salad was priceless. Their is a series of "Blue Collar" comedy dvd's.
    Most are excerpts from the Comedy Central's specials. Don't forget Foxworthy and "Larry the Cable Guy".

  5. #5
    any guy that gets up and does comedy with a whiskey and a smoke is O.K. :hammer2:
    'It'll take us all the way to the scene of the crash"

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