The level of selfishness and rudeness in America is increasing at ASTOUNDING rates. I see this rudeness daily on my 100+ mile a day commute.
Unfortunately you aren't even safe inside your car. Stupid, unsafe drivers have always been a part of American roads. Today however, the roads are less safe as a result of three main groups of people:
OLDER DRIVERS: Last year, elderly drivers surpassed teens as the number one cause of traffic accidents in America. I have always said we should start testing citizensÂ’ driving abilities annually once they pass the age of 60. This will never happen because old people vote more than anyone and our politicians are gutless!!!!!
SELF-ABSORBED SELFISH DRIVERS: Too many people today are far more concerned about their own lives than what they are doing behing the wheel, which causes countless risky scenarios on the road. I know that all of us have been cut-off by some driver who doesnÂ’t look in his blind spot, but it seems to be happening more and more these days.
What about these assholes that drive 50 in the fast lane of the freeway while talking on their cell phones, talking to their passengers, yelling at their kids in the back seat, or just daydreaming? They are so self-involved and rude, that they fail to notice that they are in the fast lane and that there are 20 of us behind them trying to get by.
(OR THE BITCHES THAT drive to the mall to hold parking spots 3 rows away while their poor pitiful "yes dear" of a husband shakes in his shoes afraid to defy her RUDENESS AND IGNORANCE also fall in this category)
THE “I’LL BE DAMNED CROWD:” These are my favorite idiots on the road. “I’ll be damned if I’m going to get over in the other lane…let this person wait! What’s her hurry,” these people will think.
HereÂ’s a news flash for you people; some of us have exciting lives (well sometimes anyway) waiting for us at our destinations and we donÂ’t feel like wasting our lives with you lame asses on the road! Not only that, some of us know how to safely drive at or slightly above the speed limit, and beside that, itÂ’s the damn law for slow traffic to move to the right, so DO IT!
Driving, like everything else in this stupid society of ours is becoming more and more of a pain in the ass! I've decided I can avoid a lot of stupid people by using the Internet to do my shopping, but I am not sure how to avoid the roads on my way to work! Guess itÂ’s time to invest in a helicopter. No, I am not the perfect driver either but I'm also not a complete dumbass as soon as my ass hits the drivers seat.
Thanks for letting me vent and saving me a heart attack today. :cry: :squiggle: