yea.....alot of changes i'm sure. If memory serves though, didnt you end up with a droop in the end?? Man, between you and squirtcha i dont know whose worse with the snoot exageration.
My suggestion would be to borrow a droop somewhere and fine tune your shoe setup since most if not all boats like yours seem to have a droop and not a snoot. Call mpd(write this down ) since your hardware came from there or even gary snow(sdba069) since he is close to you or even the guy who made the boat like mentioned. Otherwise, we probably will see the snoot on your boat and never really know what works and what doesn't....
Dude, you really need a life. Better yet, you need to get laid to vent some of your frustrations.
FYI, im about to buy a straight snoot and im going to cheerlead. Just thought you should know so you can prepare to flame me.