We are back from our week in Hawaii.... We had an awesome time out there and are bummed to be back in SD in the goddamn rain. Anyhoo, on to the more important things-----> James proposed to me while we were on a sunset dinner cruise!!! It was so perfect! Yay! We are engaged! Here are some pics....
Us right after he popped the question...
http://images.snapfish.com/343858%3B...D926%3D9%3A6%3 DXROQDF%3E2323848388755ot1lsi
A picture of my engagement ring with diamond head in the background... the pic doesnt do the ring justice, but was a cool idea.
http://images.snapfish.com/343858%3B...D939%3D386%3D3 23293929564%3Bnu0mrj
A better pic of the ring... i love it! its still prettier in real life.
http://images.snapfish.com/343858%3B...D926%3D9%3A6%3 DXROQDF%3E2323848388%3A4%3Bot1lsi
http://images.snapfish.com/343858%3B...D926%3D9%3A6%3 DXROQDF%3E232384%3A%3C75785ot1lsi