I'm looking to build up a little rocket of my own. I wan't to build up a jet and I've been looking at the Daytona 21. My dad says I should stick to the 19 if not just ignore the pickle fork style all together. He says the style is just plain useless, that it's a waste of space and really doesn't do much in a race. I personally don't care if it's not the fastest thing in a straight line. I'd rather have a more comfortable boat than an uncomfortable rocket. As long as I'm not getting the crap kicked out of me when I decide to race I don't really care. I was just curious if the daytona 21 would seat 4 comfortably with a big 454 in it and if it's a nice hull. Also if anyone has a hull or one with a blown engine please drop me an e-mail, or post a pic in a reply. I don't care about the engine the hull is what I'm interested in.