I know I will get blasted for this post but lately I have been casually thinking about selling my boat and stepping up to a cruiser. Melinda (my girlfriend and probably eventually wife has a 9-year old and we like to boat a few times a year at Mead with my family). It gets rough out there in my little 19 bubble deck Hallett and a cruiser squirt gun with more room in it and through transom exhaust sounds like where I might be headed. I want to stick with a jet as I love boating the river most of the time but I think I am ready for a smoother ride, a swim step, a kick ass stereo, and a bimini top. Its tough to think about selling my boat as I and a few other board members Flatbroke and Hackjob have put so much work into her and I have shelled out a fair share of cash on her but I think I am almost at the point of wanting something bigger. I have entertained a V-drive too but am leaning more towards a jet. Friends and fellow boaters give me your advice. I am a true hot boater and am having a tough time thinking about letting go of the over the transom headers, tunnel ram exposed motor loaded with chrome, polished aluminum and braided lines and the 80 mph ride. To anyone who has made this transition how did you handle it?