The next time you are forced to listen to someone try to blame the lack of help for New Orleans on our Federal Government show them this.
Then ask them why the local Mayor and/or Governor did not deploy these buses August 27 and 28 to help those who could not afford to get out. I am worn out listening to that blowhard mayor (who saw to it that friends were given special leeway to evacuate the Superdome before many of the sick and elderly) and his cronies complain that the President hasn't done enough. And, while your at it, remind the whiners that the majority of the suffering taking place now is a direct result of most of those people not leaving the city last Sunday. I understand that there were some people who couldn't leave for various reasons (such as folks in nursing homes who were only evacuated Saturday), but for the majority of these folks, they would not be in the predicament they are in now If they had simply left. These buses are testimony to the fact that much more could have been done before things progressed to the point they are now.
It is not the Federal Government's (and consequently, the President) fault those people did not leave.