Ok...here is how it going to work....The city is really trying to send a message....(to themselves)...to validate their new ordiance rules and to ensure that ALL citizens are aware (including California and the surrounding states) about the this law, so they made a public relations announcement as part of their news broadcast media announcements (on the KNAC) stating that Havasu has had there first citations regarding the new ordiance laws...so of course, your ears perk-up and you listen...Oh my, you think that all of Havasu is become the new Hedonism of Arizona. So here is what they said...A man was sighted for peeing on a tire by the Queens Bay Condo...Another man was sighted for using obscene jestures and fowl language while intoxicated up on McCulloch around Mad Dogs...Ok does this sound like channel problems to you...Sounds like these problems are global and that our law enforcement officers should be performing their day-to-day normal duties without the new ordiance...what is your opinion...Wow! Talk about drama!
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