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Thread: Powell houseboat question?

  1. #1
    Working with some friends to put together a week in Powell on a houseboat. I was watching the news 2 nights ago and saw a segment on a string of virus's that have been linked to people getting ill from staying on these house boats due to bacteria build ups and poor cleaning.
    I was wondering if anyone had seen this or has had this happen to someone they knew.....any info would be great. I would hate to go on this trip and have this happen to someone in our group.

  2. #2
    i haven't heard anything,every time i get sick i did it to myself :cry:
    Understandable.....I have a diagnosis; way too much beer, not enough tities!

  3. #3
    I've done houseboats on Mohave, about 6 times, and never have had an issue that wasn't self-induced. :crossx:

  4. #4
    I live at Powell, and have never heard of this issue happening here.

  5. #5
    I've been there three times and never had a problem.... :idea:

  6. #6
    Thanks for the input. Fricken liberal news always looking for a story. Just wanted to be sure before I drop a piss load of money on a trip and end up sick for most of it!

  7. #7
    AZLL (mrs Mardonzi) works for the concessionaire on the lake and has never said a word about it.
    I know they used to have a problem years ago with water quality requiring certain coves to be closed because of fecal diseases. Since they cracked down on campers requiring porta johns and put the floating pump outs on the lake, I haven't heard of a problem in 9 years.
    I would be more willing to bet that anyone getting sick on a houseboat is either hung over or got a glass of water out of the non potable faucet...

  8. #8
    I know they used to have a problem years ago with water quality requiring certain coves to be closed because of fecal diseases. Since they cracked down on campers requiring porta johns and put the floating pump outs on the lake, I haven't heard of a problem in 9 years.
    It was the last time the lake was real low.... early 90's or so. People were digging latrines below the high water line and then covering up the..uhhh.. stuff. When the water came up, it uncovered the poo... and viola... human fecal chloroform... our favorite canyon was closed most of the season that year (93) because of it.
    The floating toilets and the requirement for port-a-jons came into effect soon after.
    I bet the reason people get sick more than anything is they don't know how to take care of food in the heat.

  9. #9
    Do what I do when we stay at the Nautical. I pack a quart of Clorox, a gaint sponge and 2 rubber gloves. I fill up the sink and put in about 50/50 water/bleach and go over the whole place, counter, desk, sinks, bath, remote control for TV. etc. God knows what takes place in those rooms in the cove. :yuk:
    Figure you have all that plus e-coli from food, raw meat, flying jit and who knows what. BLEACH THE WHOLE FRIGGIN THING! :220v:

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