Did anyone else see that excellent documentary "The World is Full of Oil" on left wing PBS?
They followed a Geologist that claims he can find oil anyplace.
So the challenged him to find it in Sweden and Japan.
He did. A Jed Clampit gusher in both places.
A fantastic documentary.
In another interview with the Guy:
They interviewed Michael Moore who claims we'll be outta oil in 2026.
Then this Geologist guy counter'd that we haven't even started to use the oil available and gave incredable astro fuc#innomical figures of whats available out there.
The US has awsum amounts and he gave staggering verifiable numbers of oil in the ground.
Saudi Arabia has 15 major oilfields and they have only tapped 3.
The rest of the planet shadows them, they are merely a tiny drop.
Mind boggling amounts of oil out there that this guy proved exists.