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Thread: the passing of a friend

  1. #1
    a very good childhood friend of mine had passed away friday night. i had lost a very close friend to the mountain. he was driving his motorcycle down hwy 18 friday night. (the day before my 10 yr high school reunion) when he had lost control of his bike midway thru a turn. he slid into a guard rail at a high speed and was killed instantly. this man had been a big part of my life. we went to school together and he was the first friend i had when i first moved up to lake arrowhead in 7th grade. he we even ended up at the hospital together during summer break. i had broken ny arm his brother rolled a vw and he had some road rash that needed to be cared for. when i was in trouble. he was one of the 6 that would be sitting next to me getting punished in the princpals office. hell even when we left high school we were still in a little bit of trouble. the man straighted out in the past 8 years like i did. he went and had kids. 1 with a lady who i am still close with and then when they broke up he had 2 more. he just had one in like jan or feb of this year. he went and graduated in underwater welding and was just starting to make some leg room in his life. he had no insurance and didnt have much as far as a savings. so i am asking that if anybody here would like to do something genorous and really help out a family. that could really use it. this would be the time to do it. you dont really know how much this would mean to me. as truely this is one of the most difficult things for me. i personally have fought the tears all weekend. i could only imagine his family and kids. it is super hard to imagine what it is like to tell his 7 year old. how freakin difficult it must be. in the past month i have had 2 friends pass. im praying this to be the last one for along time.
    the bank excepting donations on his families behalf is bank of america in lake arrowhead. for all those that step up i truely do thank you.
    michael merrel
    here is a tribute in his memory i have placed together.
    Last night on hwy 18 Jimmy was heading down the hill on his and lost conrol on his street bike and hit the guard rail and was killed instantly. He was 30 years old and will leave behind his wife and 3 kids, A cross will be placed in his memory at the top of old waterman canyon road. if any one gets a chance, stop by and pay your respects. Jimmy was a very loving and devoted Dad that lived life a little to fast. I have known Jimmy since I was 11yrs old he was one of the best friends A person could have he was allway there no madder what time of day or night and no one can replace him or the memorys I have of him any time soon.....
    We all love you Jimmy.
    David Cindy Evan Wishaw
    Mike & Cheryl Wishaw
    Daniel & Amber Wishaw
    I am sad about the lost of Jimmy Marcus. He is another one of my childhood friends that has been lost to the mountain. I have known Jimmy since I was 13. The very first day at a new middle school. Jimmy walking thru the halls (instead of being in class) all tough with him humming god knows what. I ended up being in 2 of the same classes as him. We ended up getting in trouble together all thru school. He introduced me to some of my best friends. There is alot of memories I have of Jimmy. Mostly in high school. There was a bunch of us that were rowdy. We were all kids being kids. But lets just say. Jimmy was one of the most daring people I have known. After high school I left the mountain. I lost touch with Jimmy. tell about 2003. Then we meet up agian. There is many things that can be said about Jimmy, Jimmy was a good person. One that if he belived in the same cuase as you. You could count on Jimmy. He was allways down for it. whatever it was. He took risk and I dont think if he was to look back at his life, That there would be much he would regret.
    Today as I go to celebrate my 10yr high school reunion in Lake Arrowhead. I will look for his spot. Stopping and taking a couple of moments to remember who Jimmy Marcus.
    We have known Jimmy for the last 9 years. There were fun times, sad times, and everything in between. More importantly, Jimmy was a wonderful, loving, devoted father...son, husband, brother and friend. His presence will be greatly missed by all of us, be it those from his past or present. No one who knew Jimmy could ever walk away untouched in their hearts by his generosity, love and friendship. He will forever be remembered, as we each carry a part of him in our souls.
    Jimmy ~ As we celebrate your life, and rejoice in the experience of knowing you, know that we are all so very greatful to you for the person you were, and the ways in which you found your way into our hearts. The memories will be with us every moment, and we will continue to remember you with fondness and love in the years to come.
    Thank you, Jimmy, for teaching me so many things. And especially, thank you for teaching me one of life's important lessons; to always speak what is on your mind and in your heart, because tomorrow may never come. I am so sorry for never taking the opportunity to make things right. You will be forever missed by many. We love you.
    Jim, Nancy, Mindy, Kayla, Kyle, Steven, Jason, Nicole, Chad... the entire Marcus are in our thoughts and prayers always.
    Love and Light,
    Sarah and Michael
    I just now started crying. This is actually real. Yesterday when David Wishaw let us all know, I thought this bad thought of Jimmy passing would go away. It didn't. We all hoped that he would finally stop by and say something like "April fools". But he can't. This was one of those mistakes he couldn't learn from. So with Jimmy being my absolute best friend for years, where do I begin? I would like first of all to say that I am so sorry, so sorry for the family he left behind. Whether it be blood or through some sort of marriage. I am almost speechless. We all loved him. He was there for everyone that was close to him, and helped them out until their problems dissappeared. We got into a lot of trouble together, that's for sure. But sometimes that's part of just growing up. I learned a lesson from those wild days and I know that he did too. We had so many inside jokes together and always used them. He was also a very very funny man, he could always get a laugh out of anybody if he wanted to. The energy he carried with him was enourmous, I don't see how anybody could be that strong. That's why almost nobody can really believe this nightmare is true. "Invincible Jimmy." We would be working on a car, be it a clutch or what have you, and he would stop to take the time to go wash up to play with his babies. Kayla and Kyle were babies at the time. Such an awesome father, very protective. Even when he and Christi were broke, he always found a way to take care of everybody more than they needed to be. He was awesome at playing Gran Turismo 2 on the Playstation. These are little things that not a lot of people knew about this big guy. If we ever called him because of being in a bind or in trouble, he was always there in 2 minutes or less. I feel so bad. I went to the scene immediately, where he left us. I saw what happened and it didn't make sence. He was too good of a rider for that measly little corner. God must have wanted our friend, father, son, brother, husband...........Pretty bad! There's no reason for a good guy like that to leave us like he did, except for that. I am still crying right now, as I type. It is now hitting home to me. And it is sad to say that this tragedy is what brought my brother and I to look up some friends we all shared at the time. We should've all been together anyway. There's a reason for everything I guess, but it's hard to fathom that there's any one reason for this. We that knew Jimmy personally must take the energy he had and spread it ourselves. It was good. We must walk strong and tall and just think of him the way he was. That's what he would have wanted anyway. I feel wrong saying all this because I still think it's going to pass and we will be able to say goodbye to him and shake hands, and a hug right after. But I will just say goodbye to him at the viewing. I hope that God lets him watch how many people come to see him for the last time. Jimmy, I love you Bro! Life is so fast, we will see you soon and I will help your family in any way I can, you can count on that. Thanks for being there through all of it with us my friend. God bless you bud, and we love you. See you soon Jimmy. Love your best friend,
    Rick Gidney.
    I am at a lose of words, Freinds as some will say Jimmy was to them, You were and always will be my Big Brother you showed me everything in life and I can not say much more at this time it still hurts, but you will never be forgotten....
    jimmy up front in white tee shirt celebrating his kids birth

  2. #2
    Big Kahunaa
    R.I.P jimmy

  3. #3
    We are sorry to hear of your loss. May his family and friends find peace in time.
    Rest in Peace, Jimmy.

  4. #4
    Sorry to hear fo your loss.
    Saying goodbye to a friend is never easy.

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