Why do some people on this board get such a hard on over bubble bursting articles? People that start these threads think they were so smart over the last few years to predict a slow down or in their words a "Bubble Burst". Wow you must be a genius, cause we all thought it would last forever.
Is this supposed to be a told you so thread? What is the point? Are you a bitter renter who can't afford the home you want? Have you been watching and reading the how to buy homes with no money down books?
I have never understood why some people get soo excited about these articles. Do you live a dark,sad life and like to see people lose value on their homes and go into foreclosure?
Wow, guess I'm a huge A-hole for simply sharing an interesting article that was sent to me and excuse me for posting it here on a public forum. Perhaps some folks are interested in this kind of stuff and would appreciate reading an article like this, since there are unforunately many people in this country that are effected by this change in our economy. Fact is, this is a reality and it's going to have an impact on many peoples lives, good and bad. No, I don't wish any ill will on anyone and your remarks towards me are complete BS. If you have such a problem with threads like this one, then don't ready them. Now, back to my "dark, sad life". :cry: