Ok - lets address this - this year my boat has been towed all over hell and back at a highrate of speed around corners and hot highways ! the previous owner put a new set of winston tires on my ride ( passanger car tires ) My boat is a howard day cruiser 21 foot - tandem axle trailer -- well i got a flat - seems one tire seperated - well all the others are also - The les swabbber tire guy is recommending Trailer tires ( my boat only weights around 3600 lbs with the tires ( the is an estimate ) i may be suprised if i weight it - guess i should lol ! any ways i cannot see putting "trailer tires " on as they are ugly lmao and I deem them un neccesary for what i'm hauling so i'm curious - I have seen some bitchin trailers with custom tire /rim combo's what is the tire size , load rating of your tires and also what maitence do you do on your trailer tires ( lets be honest here - don't blow smoke ) please include your three axle combos as eventually i will have one for my rig - all show no go :
also include your Tire zone - I think they are signified by a- b- c - Maybe frenchie could give some insight Mr Rubber ! post away my Whores