H20 Toie, congrats on hearing of another branch on your family tree. My family is heavily into geneology and we have found more then a few new unknown to us relatives. I would recommend sending a letter and a photo. If you cold call someone out of the blue it might freek them out. With letter in hand she can Physically hold something to base a decision from. Alot of folks are a little leary about this kind of thing. Don't be surprised if contact is made and no reply or a reply and very little contact is made afterwards. Some people are strange and feel their lives are complicated enough. Others feel as though you are out to get something from them. Of course there are those who are very happy to find members of their family. I would seriously try to make contact. If C-2 is willing to help it could save alot of work. Then again if you have any intrest in your family history this could be a quik lesson in how to gather such info. Good luck and I hope for you a positive connection is made. R.B.