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Thread: it took 60 minutes to Call Bush Stupid!

  1. #11
    Blown 472
    We pull out of Iraq now and we didnt do enough. Pull out later and we were there too long.
    Americans need to turn off the media and make up their own minds. All these politicians do is get rich off our tax dollars. I am convinced not one of them really gives a damn about this country as long as they get theirs. :crossx: :220v:
    Well the voice of reason has spoken, amen brother.

  2. #12
    3 daytona`s
    Well the voice of reason has spoken, amen brother.
    Watching CNN this afternoon for Lou Dobbs,he has my respect big time.I believe him when he says get rid of all of them and start over.There are not many who will say it pubically.There was a segment on soldiers in Afganistan being interviewed, I know maybe the ones they wanted and on and on.The fact every one of them said we have had friends die,we know the risks,BUT WHAT leave now and their lives were worth nothing? Leave now with our tails between our legs? Leave now and fight this fight at home.I believe these guys were legit. Whatever we are living in different times,and your kids and grandkids are going to live the life you help develop. Your Choice

  3. #13
    That's right. We pull the troops out and the Sunnis and Shiites will catch the next planes to NY with WMDs in their duffel bags Halliburton gave them. That's what the bu$heviks want you to believe.
    Fact of the matter is bu$h is building 14 military bases in Iraq to terrorize and dominate the Middle East, in addition to protecting Israel.

  4. #14
    Care to explain even the EXISTENCE of the "wall of saparation of church & state" .... since it does not exist in the laws of the nation, merely in a letter written by a former president?
    How is Pres Bush "undermining" a nonexistent thing?
    That letter served as the inspiration for the First Amendment guaranteeing Freedom of Religion. We need another amendment spelling out more precisely what Religion can and cannot do with regard to evengelism, displaying on public property(not allowed even now) and proselytization.
    The Supreme Court in the past has ruled in favor of the Wall, but with Thomas the sex fiend, scumbag Scalia and his wacky sidekick Scalito on the court now, the Wall may come tumbling down soon.
    This is the worst Court we've had since the beginning of the Republic.

  5. #15
    centerhill condor
    Fact of the matter is bu$h is building 14 military bases in Iraq to terrorize and dominate the Middle East, in addition to protecting Israel.
    what is wrong with that? I hope the plan includes democratizing Persia and Syria. Your brothers would be grateful to be liberated and enjoy the freedom you so angrily consume. Get well soon.
    has it been a week already?
    As for Pres.'ll have to do more than read what people tell you they thought he meant to say. His words/works give great insight into his heart and indeed our country's humble begining.

  6. #16
    The "Wall of Separation" states that "the legislature shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free excercise thereof."
    Does not prohibit those in governement from expressing their religion, nor does it suggest that anything about freedom FROM religion. So if public displays such as a cross in a government lawn etc bothers you......oh well.

  7. #17
    The "Wall of Separation" states that "the legislature shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free excercise thereof."
    Does not prohibit those in governement from expressing their religion, nor does it suggest that anything about freedom FROM religion. So if public displays such as a cross in a government lawn etc bothers you......oh well.
    If there is no freedom FROM religion there is no freedom OF religion. Any religion that seizes power through the Presidency can then start putting its stranglehold on all the others, including YOURS. That's what Washington and Jefferson understood, and that's why we don't have a National religion like European countries have.
    Protect the unbelievers, for if you don't YOU might be next.

  8. #18
    I am not religious and I have never in my life felt any real pressure from or by anything or anyone remotly associated with government to ever follow or join any faith....This is how it should be. I can't understand how anyone on the left can fear President Bush or any other President's personal faith. Freedom of religion is an "issue" we resolved long ago here. We are not likely to elect a Mullah President anytime soon, so I have no logical choice, but to think that the lefts' retoric is nothing more than demagoguery intended to frighten people into supporting them and the rest of their silly, emotion based, socialist agenda.
    I love it when Leftists say "we win on the issues". Of course they do, since they are the ones who create them in their minds most of the time...

  9. #19
    So knothead you're saying there should be no public religious displays of anykind, so as not to offnd the non-believers?
    By the way I'm not what I would consider religious, do not practice a particular faith, however a religious display is not offensive to me.

  10. #20
    So knothead you're saying there should be no public religious displays of anykind, so as not to offnd the non-believers?
    By the way I'm not what I would consider religious, do not practice a particular faith, however a religious display is not offensive to me.
    No havafool that's knot what I said.

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