I don't know how anybody could survive 90% of third degree burns. Basically, the only part of his body that wasn't burned was his feet that were covered by his boots. Not a pleasant way to spend your last moments on this earth.
It was pretty hard to believe the guy could survive and to look at him, you'd think if it was you, you'd rather not survive. Every square inch of him was scar tissue, made me feel better about my measly 30%. They had him soaking in some kind of solution bath almost every time I went past his room. He was like 92% or 95% and managed to make it through, more luck than anything I'm sure. The shame is that guy was a piece of crap gang banger that caught himself on fire by throwing a molotov and it blew back on him and he lives, but the firefighter didn't make it. Just sucks all over, I really hoped they could save him. Knowing that burn unit as I do, it was his best chance for survival, it's one of the best in the state.