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Thread: Bush says Dems don't have a plan for Iraq or America

  1. #31
    centerhill condor
    i'll run for president next time, you guys can vote for me. i've smoked weed, i've been drunk off my azz more than a few times, i've cheated on my woman, but i also have the balls to stand up in frt. of the entire country and admit to my mistakes!i'm now a grown man who lives by his integrity, i know what i've done wrong, and have corrected those mistakes.i want a president like chris rock in that movie "head of state", that's the kinda pres. i want!
    only in OK! I'm behind ya man...way behind you! The people don't want an honest man in the white house. They want someone they can buy for cash or credit! You'd be run out in the first primary as "too honest"!
    I congratulate the dems! they've run an outstanding marketing campaign! the only problem is that is has been proven a failure in the early '00s and 'round '36!
    I just wish we weren't so dogoned advanced....we're sooo good at killin' !

  2. #32
    Poster X
    Correct (outside of the south at least)
    The Democrats know that the poor and poorly educated are the numerical bulk of their base. Therefore, their policys must insure that as many people as possible remain in poverty to keep thier base strong. I have long suspected that this was the motive behind many of their policys.
    You are also correct that the rich are getting richer. What you omit is that more people are getting rich than ever before. Right now the U.S.A. (for the last couple of years) has just become the only nation in recorded history to have more wealthy people who are self made than have inherited wealth.
    The Democrats must put an end to that by raising the taxes of the rich, which by their definition (that they seldome ever state) are mostly people you and I would regard as middle class, as quickly as possible. Their first step must be to let those awful "tax cuts for the rich" (individuals making over 40k and families making almost 80k per year) expire.
    There is no way the Democrats can allow the middle class to keep enough of their money to invest (or from their investments) to allow them less difficult access to wealth. If they let that happen many of them would most likely become Republicians. :2purples:
    Allowing the great unwashed masses to achieve financial success would spell the end of the bulk of the Democrats base and make their ultra wealthy supporters very unhappy by destroying much of the exclusivity of their currenty lavish lifestyle.
    You gotta be shittin me? You honestly believe the Democrats are having secret meetings figuring out new and wonderful ways to keep people poor? LMAO, you guys slay me. That's hilarious. Maybe they have a secret manifesto they hand down to the senior congressman and it's been going on behind our back 65 years? LOL.. the Great Left Wing Conspiracy. Y'all are too funny.

  3. #33
    Poster X
    Ooops, my bad. I've been shown the secret handshake. Forget I said anything. :crossx:

  4. #34
    THis is a waste of my time....but I'll play anyway...
    * Refocus America on the real war on terror by making sure the U.S. continues to pursue Osama bin Laden and bring him to justice and increase levels of Special Operations forces to kill and capture the terrorists where they are and to better protect Americans at home.
    The idiot Democrats still see this as a law enforcement issue, and not a war. Clinton and Albright all over again.
    * Provide updated tools, consistent with true American values, so we can bring terrorists to justice, while also following the law and the Constitution and work to revise the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act as needed to ensure intelligence agencies have the tools needed to defeat the terrorists.
    Gee, I seem to remember Harry Reid bragging about "Killing the Patriot Act". @!#)($* Clinton gutted the CIA, and his lackey Jamie Gorelick put measures in place to prevent the CIA and FBI from sharing information.
    * Equip the intelligence community to fight against terrorists by passing the Intelligence authorization bill, giving the CIA the resources to conduct aggressive and effective intelligence gathering. For the first time in 28 years, the Republican-controlled Congress has failed to pass the bill providing these desperately-needed resources.
    Again, the Democrats have consistently voted to weaken our intelligence capbilities for the last 20 years. It's a FACT. This candy-coated bullshit is nothing but a lie....

  5. #35
    You gotta be shittin me? You honestly believe the Democrats are having secret meetings figuring out new and wonderful ways to keep people poor? LMAO, you guys slay me. That's hilarious. Maybe they have a secret manifesto they hand down to the senior congressman and it's been going on behind our back 65 years? LOL.. the Great Left Wing Conspiracy. Y'all are too funny.
    Of course not. What they do is push hard for social programs and tax policies that have histrically accomplished the above. Nothing has to be kept secret. They simply know that most voters have never taken Econ 101 or enough history to know what the predictable outcome of their policies will be.
    There is nothing conspiratorial about it. It's just that they love to support phoney feel good ideas that often do more harm than good and the fact that they often produce the above side effects does not bother them one bit. I know, I used to be very active in Democratic campaigns and social causes, there were times when I saw this attitude first hand (that's why I quit doing it). They never said they had to do these things to keep people poor. They just said they had to push for these programs, because dispite their lack of results they were "what their people wanted". I have also seen leaders (Maxine Waters for one) leading groups of people chanting "BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY". When someone in the crowed (me) asked, if such an approach was honest and ethical, the others looked at me as if I was from Mars and went right on chanting.
    Oh well, have a great weekend.

  6. #36
    No secret handshakes, no clandestine meetings or anything else. They simply offer to give the poor more and more of our money. They are careful not to make it so that they are equal in income and that they continue to rely on that money. If someone offered the democrats a way to wave a magic wand and eliminate the need for welfare or other public assistance programs it would scare them so bad they would probably look for a way to eliminate that person. Face it, the Democrats have been legally buying votes since the social programs originally started. If you were to do the same thing with the money they raised for campaign expenses someone would probably go to jail, but do it with money taken from me at gunpoint in the form of taxes and it is perfectly acceptable.

  7. #37
    Poster X
    Y'all are pretty bitter. Did they just zone your backyard for a trailer park? Throughout history (and I mean ALL time) there have been socio-economic classes. Every single form of government has sought ways to deal with these classes in order to prevent class war. Modern democracy deals with this "classism" by using tax dollars to fund different programs that keep the lazy, the incompetent, the unable and the disabled at bay by providing them a moderate existence within our system. Without it you'd need 3 body guards and automatic weapons just to get to your car. I know you're gonna act all macho and say, "hell yea, bring it on. I'd rather kill them than support 'em." But in reality, you'd ba vastly outnumbered and it's just not the way of an enlightened and modern society to use genocide to eliminate class burdens. Isn't that your entire excuse for bombing the shit out of Iraq? You can blame the Democrats all you want but even your leadership has no better ideas for dealing with this problem of classism. The last three generations your side (The Republicans) have ruled a good 3/4 of the time. In that time, your boys; Nixon, Ford, Reagan, Bush and Bush Jr have done nothing to change these programs. As a matter of fact they have continued to support these programs and then go on TV and bitch about them then go and support them again. Why? Because there is no other alternative this side of genocide. It's the nature of life. Just like if your going to have mentally stable people - you're going to have mentally unstable people. The strong take care of the weak. Therefore we hospitalize and tend the unstable. You've bitched for 75 years but come up with no realistic plan. You'll bitch another 75 and still have no plan. Facts are facts.
    And you wonder why we compare this administration to Nazi's? It's not because you hate Jews. Most of you probably never even met a Jew? It's because of your totalinarianistic views such as abandonment of the classes. Expansionism. Governing by fear. And worst of all, blaming everyone on the planet but yourselves. Go back and read your crap. You're at war with the world. You hate the East because you fear them. You hate Europe because you think they're pansies. You hate the mid-east because you think you're at war with them and you want their oil. You hate Canada because you think they're worthless. You hate Mexico because you blame them for the decline of your own economy. You hate South America because you think they are conspiring to drug America. You hate half of America because you think they're commie pinkos. Your autocracy is no different than Nazi Germany's. Given the chance there's little doubt you'd seize absolute power, and once that was achieved you'd have no problem with genocide against muslims, the poor, most ethnicities and anyone else you felt was inferior or a potential enemy.

  8. #38
    Blown 472
    No secret handshakes, no clandestine meetings or anything else. They simply offer to give the poor more and more of our money. They are careful not to make it so that they are equal in income and that they continue to rely on that money. If someone offered the democrats a way to wave a magic wand and eliminate the need for welfare or other public assistance programs it would scare them so bad they would probably look for a way to eliminate that person. Face it, the Democrats have been legally buying votes since the social programs originally started. If you were to do the same thing with the money they raised for campaign expenses someone would probably go to jail, but do it with money taken from me at gunpoint in the form of taxes and it is perfectly acceptable.
    And Bush courting the wetbacks is what??

  9. #39
    Blown 472
    And you wonder why we compare this administration to Nazi's? It's not because you hate Jews. Most of you probably never even met a Jew? It's because of your totalinarianistic views such as abandonment of the classes. Expansionism. Governing by fear. And worst of all, blaming everyone on the planet but yourselves. Go back and read your crap. You're at war with the world. You hate the East because you fear them. You hate Europe because you think they're pansies. You hate the mid-east because you think you're at war with them and you want their oil. You hate Canada because you think they're worthless. You hate Mexico because you blame them for the decline of your own economy. You hate South America because you think they are conspiring to drug America. You hate half of America because you think they're commie pinkos. Your autocracy is no different than Nazi Germany's. Given the chance there's little doubt you'd seize absolute power, and once that was achieved you'd have no problem with genocide against muslims, the poor, most ethnicities and anyone else you felt was inferior or a potential enemy.
    Ding, winner!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. #40
    centerhill condor
    Poster X... as a reply; every gov't has tried to deal with class envy ineffectively. Every time bribery or buying the disenfranchised off has been tried societal collapse results.
    In most cases, in less than 100 years, the takers overload the payers until a dictatorship is required to "restore balance". All the while the standard is lowered for acceptable performance in every field; education, parenting, governance, etc.
    This country was founded on the principle of self reliance. This country is one of the few where you can change your social standing by the sweet sweat of your own brow.
    Yet everyday our gov't seeks to lower the standards further by subsidizing poverty, sickness, and immorality by removing negative consequences from bad behavior. So now we're much like a leg left in a cast for much too long...useless and atrophy.
    And then, the rule of law is used to force our society to accept and promote the very behaviors that our founders deplored. All the while, financing corrupt lifestyles with borrowed money. How's that for totalism?
    I'm all for helping feed the poor, helping house the homeless, and comforting the infirm. I have done these with my own time and money, voluntarily with gratitude.
    I believe our primary difference in opinion is that I would prefer to treat the problem and you the symptom. At least you want to help, if not for any reason than, to keep from hiring three body guards.
    LBJ's great society, JFK's federal funding for education, and FDR's new deal were all great ideas. Great ideas that had failed at every attempt through history. Time to realize that the ideas have once again failed miserably and we the people are far worse for them.
    An immediate return to rugged individualism is the only way to save the country. But, alas, we'll never vote for it lest we miss our turn at the trough.
    A country of great freedom and opportunity that was put in peril when "the vote" and the checkbook were given to non property owners.
    As for comparing the Bush administration to the Nazis...that's for shock value, right? Certainly, if the President had Hitler's intent we wouldn't be having this little test of wills on a boating site, no less!

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