Ever wonder why your boss is such a prick?
Things like this cause the boss to be a total prick.
Job goes way over budget and owners say it has to be because they( labor) are leaving the site early, Stupidintendent, says no its because they are models and we made a ton of unbillable changes, Owners say fine because 1st phase of production is under budget but insist that the stupidintendent watch the hours.
Fast forward to today.
Traffic violation notice for the job site foremen: Ran a red light in a company truck and got caught on the camera........... AT 2:30ish an hour away from his job site. Work day is 7:00-3:30 Funny the time card for that day says 8 hours......
HHHHmmmm who should I fire? The super and the foreman or every bastard that ever worked on that job? The fawking axe is swinging around here today, some one is going home bloody!
One top of that I get this reply from H.R.
Was the foreman driving during working hours, or was he off duty (i.e., does he take the company vehicle home)? If he was driving the company vehicle during working hours, then the liability for the infraction most likely falls upon the employer under the theory of "respondeat superior," since the employee is the company's agent and was on company time when it occurred. That said, one could certainly make the argument that the employee was not acting within the course and scope of the employment when it occurred (i.e., because breaking the law is not within the course and scope of his employment), but regardless, requiring thje employee to pay the ensuing ticket would likely run afoul of CA wage/hour laws, which severely restrict an employer's ability to charge employees for business-related expenses or make deductions from an employee's wages (see http://www.dir.ca.gov/dlse/FAQ_Deductions.htm , especially question 2). The safest bet is to assume responsibility and pay for the ticket, and issue appropriate disciplinary action against the employee (up to and including termination if that is consistent with your policy) for the infraction. Keep in mind that if the disciplinary action issued is something short of discharge or removal of driving privileges, you could have even greater liability if he subsequently commits the same violation while on the job and causes injury (or worse) or damage in the process.
Nice .... So all you employee's out there remember your boss has to pay your ticket when you leave the job site and head to the strip joint to have a couple beers on company time.
Alas Big brother is looking out for you and knows your every move. So even though you don't have to pay the ticket you get fired...... Don't worry the state will give you unemployment if you protest the the denile because they always side with the employee. This allows you to still fawk your employer and have plenty of time for beer drinking and strip joints....