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Thread: Toscano homes on the island.

  1. #1
    Anyone see these yet. I stopped by and checked them out yesterday. Really nice two story homes with a perfect garage. All landscaping and walls included. Starting price: $995K :2purples:
    They are nice and all. And a great location on the island. Some will have decent lake views. Park running thru the middle, etc. But seems bit steep? Especially as this market has cooled off a bit?
    Am I wrong here?
    They looked very attractive. Heritage is the builder, and he built my bro-in-laws house which is superb! Gated community. HUGE garage. 65 feet deep. Everything included. Great upgrades. But damn.... 3k sq. ft. for like 1.3MM. That's a ton of coin.

  2. #2
    Have they sold any? Seems REALLY high to me, but what do I know.

  3. #3
    Could be nice with a view. Hopefully they have a little elbow room and boat parking for that $$$.
    I thought the whole Faux "Tuscan" BS thing had run it course in building? Guess not.

  4. #4
    Marty Gras
    If I wanted to live that close to my neighbor, I'd buy a condo. Those homes are very close to the street and ten feet apart. They don't look like 3K feet, but they are two story. I need room, I don't need to hear my neighbor beating on his wife! PLUS every building going up on the island, from now on will pay a "fee" for the second bridge. I hope they sell, but I would never purchase one, too close together. Poor land use in my opinion.

  5. #5
    living on a island in world famous lake.So what makes more since.A 350000$ Trailer in the islander, and 500 to 600 a month in fees for the spot,then boat storage at $250 somewhere.Add it all up your morgage on a million wont seem so scary.By the way both places are out of touch for me.They will be a tough sale,but my guess the builder knows this and is in the for long haul.Arent they building some new resort on the island?Upscale marriot or something? 5 years from now I bet people will be saying"damn I should have bought one"

  6. #6
    beach gomer
    As of last September 2005, the city shot down the Marriott idea.It was to be built in the mobile home section of the Beach Comber.Not gona happen.I also think the contractor building the homes across the street from the Beach Comber is asking alot of money.You have no veiw and you have to use the public launch.No reason to spend the money.

  7. #7
    Just my .02cent, Ok I'm a person on the outside looking in and this is the way I look at it, First off, I don't have that kind of coin, and I to like lots of room, plus living that close to a lake full of loud go fast boats and and all the traffic (cars&trucks) would dive me nuts, and this sounds like one of those places that will have lots of rules, like no parking of your boat on the street to load it and no washing of your car, I just don't like the sound of this place, :idea: I mean $1m, you allreadly know the type of folks they are looking to come in there and live, befor you know they will be complaining about the loud boats, and they will shut the lake down at 7pm so they can sit and look at the sunset without the noise. Maybe I'm wrong, But what do I know, I'm just a outsider looking in.

  8. #8
    Oh just to clear something up, I DO NOT have a problem with load boats, or car, I have a few load car myself, but I think hearing them day in and day out would get old after awhile, We use to have a lake house up in NY and 7am they were out there running full boar, and would wake me up, but I was only there for 3 days at a time and it didn't bother me.

  9. #9
    That community will be an island on an island. It will be noisy, congested, and hell to make it back to the mainland on busy weekends and holidays, if you try to get out the gates.
    For that kind of money, you could have all the garage space you want, on a large lot of land, with a very large home. You just have to be able to let go of the Cali "security feeling" of tract home living.

  10. #10
    lets see... 1 home on the island with a very small lot, or 2 nice homes in the city with large lots. im sure someone will be buying those homes on the island but its not gonna be me. :rollside:

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