Got a note left on my truck yesterday, and it got me thinking...
This happens to me a lot!
When i drove my valiant, i got a lot of people wanting to buy it, nothing really out of the ordinary.
Our copier guy left me a love note on it one day. That made me giggle for a while.
Went to Venice beach one day, (in my cousin's truck) and someone had written "F*ck You BiCth" (yeah, it was misspelled...LOL) in the dirt on the window.
A while back at my old work, someone kept leaving baptist church brochures on my windshield... for about 3 weeks straight.
Last night i walked out to leave work, and had a note that said, "Hey Idiot! If you're gonna drive that fat hog, learn how to park it!" (i had parked close to the line on my drivers side, there was no one next to me when i got to work, and our lot is HUUUGGGEEE!!!)
I don't know, i guess i've never felt compelled to leave notes on people's cars (ok, one time, but thats because someone parked ON my bumper....)... what about you guys?