I was really looking forward to boating season, hoping to get out more than I have in previous years, wanting to meet more forum members and just have a blast!!! I just got a phone call from a friend of mine offering me a job for the next 3 seasons, starting April or so and working thru Sept. or Oct. Heres the kicker!!! The job is on an island, north of Japan off the coast of RUSSIA!! They will be boring 3 tunnels under a river (1 tunnel each season) and want me as their crane operator. 7 days a week, 14-16 hours a day from the time we get there til we come home in the fall. They are dangling $30-35,000 a MONTH at me along with all my union bennies!!! How can I possibly turn that down. Well, there goes life as I know it. Guess I'll have to get in all my boating at Spring Break, then put the boat away again! What would you do?? My friggin head is spinning!