I have been irritated for some time on this and today just have had it.I can honestly say does not matter what town I`ve visited in the past several years have experienced this same "Wonderful" opportunity to experience someone elses enjoyment,although I did not want,ask.or enjoy.There is getting to be strict noise enforcement on boat,auto,and other so called disturbing the peace or other law terms.I guess have no other choice but live by it as out of my control.I will now ask you people how many times have you been sitting at a light or driving down a street etc. and have a car approach and you hear his selection of noise for the day from a block or more away.The real deal here is not only hear but little mr.hat on crooked has it using all 75,000 watts to be sure everyone for as far as possible will hear his B.S.I find it irritating,invasive,rude and possibly unsafe.I ask if this is not disturbing the peace what is it.