all pro athletes should be able to use whatever means necessary to dominate in their respective sports, if they choose to do so. Sports evolve, records are made to be broken. I never cared for baseball, but I have watched some lately, and I'll be able to tell you where I was when Bonds hit that homerun last night. I watched McGwire and Sosa, every freakin' time I could, then they get thrown under the bus. I suppose if steroids were legal, would that make it okay... Well, I guess it is legal for some people that are sick, because someone says it is. The only reason it is illegal is because some people decided it should be. Sure, it's a performance enhancing "drug". What about all these sports products for sale on the shelves. I've known some that were legal, then one day someone decides it's illegal, and pulls it from the shelves... They didn't have all that either 30 and 40 years ago, so that should be "cheating" too... Shit, someone excels at something and everybody starts freakin' the fukk out...