I am fairly familiar with Orange, but don't recall the term Serrano Heights? Major cross streets?
I believe that's what the builders called it. Serrano goes past Noel Ranch and dead ends at Imperial/Cannon. It used to dead end at Noel Ranch. I know of 2 REO's in that area and 1 more on the way with in the next week or two. The neighborhood is at the link.
http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=e...rnia+92867,+Un ited+States&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=50.111473,69.785156&ie=UTF8&cd=3&ll =33.828858,-117.773695&spn=0.051764,0.06815&z=14&om=1
I'll be doing an open house tomorrow from 1:00-4:30. Come on by.