Remember the thread I posted about a friend of mine who got caught with some extra marital stuff going on?
He got a hummer from a local lady friend, the info was in an email and his wife found it. Later it came out he'd messed with a "professional" while on an overseas business trip in Asia.
His wife couldn't get past it, no matter the begging or counseling. He wasn't getting barely any action at home, she was a cold fish and not into sex at all. Maybe once a month she would let him do his thing. Once she had kids the loving side for him disappeared.
Anyway, the divorce papers came a few weeks ago, she filed, delivered to his work. Mediation was done and they just went to court the other day.
He has to pay her $3000 a month. She keeps the house and gets the kids most of the time. He gets them Wednesdays and every other weekend. She has never worked a real job. Substitute teacher 3 days a month maybe...part time at the gym maybe.... He paid off her college loans for that master's degree though.
He makes about 5 grand a month. Now he has to rent an apartment and live on the rest....$2000 a month....hopefully he can find a place big enough for the three kids to sleep when he does get them...
Out of that $3000, she has to make the $2500 house payment....and feed and clothe three growing kids??? Two of them are under 10.....
I just wonder how its all going to work. She got the kids cuz she's the stay at home mom....who will now need a job.....???
Man--->occasionally tempted, but always faithful<-----delon.
Questioning how it works......