The honorable Judge Salad de Toss Maximus presiding.
It is alleged that one of the members of this fine organization is up and around congregating and socializing even as far as fornicating with members of the opposite gender....women if you will. This alleged peritrator is Lucky. He has betrayed every law and rule of our organization and sought "the dirty" outside of this mating tribe. This my friends is an outrage. Such an offensive crime is punishable by the rhinocerous ram. This punishment includes Lucky tied up and bent over a fence with a target painted on his buttocks (you can imagine where the bullseye is) and setting a rhino free, running and hitting said bullseye. Betrayal of bench racing should be dealt with swift and unforgiving punishment. Now if we're gonna do this, let's hurry up before PETA finds out what we're planning with this rhino.