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Thread: Oh Beeeehiiiveee....

  1. #1
    First, it started with more bees than I knew what to do with when I was mowing my side yard. I had to have riled something up, so I am looking around and I see they are all kind of converging around the corner of my house. Upon closer inspection, I see that they are going in and out of a 1" hole in the bottom of an overhang that is otherwise stucco.
    Now, before anyone goes and tells me about the bee shortage in California, or that people will come out and remove them or some crap like that... I know all about that now. Keep in mind, I was just coming off of my "Roof rat" problem and was in no mood for any more unauthorized residents.
    I started by getting all geared up in my mosquito netting from back in the team guy days and taping up all openings. Then I climbed a ladder with three big cans of bee killer and started spraying. Holy shit! There was a lot more of them than I thought apparently.
    After emptying two full cans in the hole, I stood back a little and just sprayed down the opening as the bees were emerging. No need to in retrospect, they were just coming out of the hole and diving straight down in a death spiral. It totally looked like a scene out of the Matrix where the sentinels breach the dome. Thousands of dead bees coming out of the hole and falling straight down. Creepy...
    When they were done dying, and I was done spraying there was probably an 18" wide, 30" long and 6" deep pile of dead bees under the hole.
    So, we call a pest guy, because clearly, we have a problem. He doesn't want anything to do with it since it is in the floors of the house, but he tells me to cut up the floor and find the hive.
    Great. So, I move all of the equipment out of the gym, start pulling up carpet and I can just smell the honey already. Circ-saw goes to work, and I start cutting the floor out.
    Short version, here is what I found. That piece of plywood those things are stuck to probably weighed 40 pounds or more.

  2. #2
    holy hell i bet thats some damn good honey right there. a shit load to.

  3. #3
    Not good anymore, it has poison all over it.

  4. #4
    alittle poison ever hurt anyone.

  5. #5
    PETA will soon be giving you a call!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. #6
    DAMM Wes...looks like those Bees were using the "infusion method"

  7. #7
    F'in Bee Killa!!!

  8. #8
    More pics...
    The pest guy said I had to scrape all of it out, wash out any honey and then prime the wood and stucco otherwise they would be back.
    So, I don't have any of the pics because I was up to my damn elbows in honey and honeycomb, but here is the trash can afterwards. Probably close to 100 pounds of dead bees and honey.
    Scraping the bottom was the grossest thing... just piles of dead bees all stuck to the inch or so of honey on the ground. Since it had been a couple of weeks since I had killed the hive, lots of honey had dripped out of the comb.
    As though all of that isn't creepy enough, about a million ants had decided to take this opportunity to dig in and get some. So, that pretty much doubled the gross factor altogether...
    The black things on the bottom of the pic are all dead bees in a sticky wad...
    I probably am not going to be all that into honey for a long time... It actually started smelling gross pretty quickly. Too much of it, probably combined with Raid and ant killer.

  9. #9
    Hey Boo Boo, lets find a pick-a-nick basket of honey...........But Yogi, you'll get stung..
    Gnarely Wes, I have a hive in the tree in front of my house too...nothing as substantial as that though..
    I can't believe you never heard them buzzing in the room..

  10. #10
    I found one of those gems in my garage at work. I found 3 gaps between studs from the floor to the firebreak filled front to back. After wearing some welding gloves, duct taping my pant legs and arms with a hoodie sweatshirt and a pool net for a bee mask I finally got rid of all of them....with the aid of a soldering torch and some WD-40.
    2 years later it still smells like honey out there. Good luck getting rid of the honey stank.

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