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Thread: Are your kids in public school???

  1. #41
    Maybe they can teach you to spell.:idea:
    That was my best John Belushi impersonation.
    What the heck. Your not in Taxifornia. Are the schools not good in your county? I've been researching and Rutherford county looks to have some pretty good schools.
    As a whole no.... but we do have some very good schools in out county. When my kids started school I lived in a bad district for public schools but in the best part of town. My kids were in private school for several years so I didn't want to pull them out when I moved to a very good district. Once you stay in the Ritz the Marriott doesn't look so good

  2. #42
    B&B, like others have mentioned, I don't want to explain to my kids why their friend Billy has to dads. So yes I partially agree with this topic you posted.
    People who live these types of lifestyles should keep it their business.
    A bigger problem I have is the part about kids using either bathroom at school. WTF is that all about? If it's true, once little girls get harrassed in a restroom at school or worse due to boys being in the same restroom "conventional parents" law suits will make the gay parents discrimination suits seem like a waste of time. Near my house, there is a school that has kids from Kindergarden until the 8th grade. That's pretty scary if that part of the bill is true.

  3. #43
    ...... but this whole idea of not wanting to hurt kids feelings (or adults for that matter) has just gotten completely out of hand. We are a nation of crybabies. I've gotta move to a red state.
    .....and it's a real shame for me, because our weather is great here most of the time....

  4. #44
    The term "hyserical" comes to mind. That press release was the biggest bunch of B.S. I've read in a while.
    There are problems with our public schools in some areas, but I assure you that the Govenors latest ink splash is the least of them.
    As for the Liberals highjacking our children, please get grip.

  5. #45
    ULTRA26 # 1
    You need to go back and actually read the article...not a true statement NOW, but it's coming to your school thanks to our Governator. This has NOTHING to do with parents, NOTHING. Don't make this a thread about whether or not parents are doing a great job Pix, I'm absolutly sure you both are, this is about our Governor saying that Mom and Dad is insulting language to gays, so it is now banned from the classroom, and that boys are now allowed to use the girls side's all about the focked up gay agenda succeeding in the Public school domain...please don't read this as a good/bad parents thread....thanks...
    I read the article. It was obviously written by someone with an agenda.
    My Son went through the public school system here in Brea and he came out just fine. Turned out to be a quality upstanding citizen, which is all a parent can ask for.
    Education starts at home, period. If you want to teach your children that gay people are the work of Satan, or anything else with regard to your religion or political views, IT IS YOUR JOB as a parent.
    Here is a link to the text of SB777. Not quite how the article portrays it.
    BnB, I suggest you read the text of the bill

  6. #46
    My Man's Sportin' Wood
    .....and it's a real shame for me, because our weather is great here most of the time....
    Except for July, August and September. Some years I might add June and/or October to the list, just for fun

  7. #47
    Except for July, August and September. Some years I might add June and/or October to the list, just for fun
    When I lived in Fullerton that was the case, but now, being ~4miles from the ocean, it keeps the temps very nice most of the time.

  8. #48
    I read the article. It was obviously written by someone with an agenda.
    My Son went through the public school system here in Brea and he came out just fine. Turned out to be a quality upstanding citizen, which is all a parent can ask for.
    Education starts at home, period. If you want to teach your children that gay people are the work of Satan, or anything else with regard to your religion or political views, IT IS YOUR JOB as a parent.
    Here is a link to the text of SB777. Not quite how the article portrays it.
    BnB, I suggest you read the text of the bill
    Thats not the bill, thats the original text of the bill, as it was originally submitted, as evidenced by all of the strikes on it. It's not even close to what he signed the other day....better wait till the post of the FINALIZED law comes out....Satan? fock you! Where are people wrong in wanting to shield thier kids from alternative lifestyles?? Since when is it acceptable for kids to use each others' restrooms?? You wanna make this out to be some sort of Christian wacko thing....I'm ready for you...if I was a focking atheist, I would hate all of this...

  9. #49
    Hey BnB do the world a favor and don't have any kids! We don't need any chips off your block
    Go fock a pony, assclown....

  10. #50
    ULTRA26 # 1
    Thats not the bill, thats the origiinal text of the bill, as evidenced by all of the strikes on it. It's not even close to what he signed the other day....better wait till the post of the FINALIZED law comes out....Satan? fock you! Where are people wrong in wanting to shield thier kids from alternative lifestyles?? Since when is it acceptable for kids to use each others' restrooms?? You wanna make this out to be some sort of Christian wacko thing....I'm ready for you...if I was a focking atheist, I would hate all of this...
    Post a link to the text to SB777 that is valid since the text contained in the original is nothing like what your article is claiming.
    It's hard to believe that SB777 evolved into anything even close.
    Here is a to link to an opposition to SB777

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