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Thread: Pasty question

  1. #1
    are most of the pasties that girls wear at the lake/river made of vinyl sticker material?? or do most get the ones that are put on with some sort of glue/adhesive?? the reason i am asking is that i have a vinyl plotter/cutter and wanted to make some pasties out of vinyl :crossx:

  2. #2
    They are mostly made of fabric that has a sticky backing all over it. They also make a glue that makes them reusable, but I don't know how well it works even though I have some. I also have a friend that makes them out of sticky holographic paper which I also started making. If you make a slit in the design so they can be "coned" to cover the areola, it would help them to not wrinkle. Just my .02 from a pastie wearer. :rollside:

  3. #3
    Cole Trickle
    Pasties are cool!! :crossx:

  4. #4
    They are mostly made of fabric that has a sticky backing all over it. They also make a glue that makes them reusable, but I don't know how well it works even though I have some. I also have a friend that makes them out of sticky holographic paper which I also started making. If you make a slit in the design so they can be "coned" to cover the areola, it would help them to not wrinkle. Just my .02 from a pastie wearer. :rollside:
    so by making them out of vinyl, they would be too wrinkled?? or like you said i could make a small cut.. would the cut be on the top and bottom to allow it to be kinda of folded without wrinkling??

  5. #5
    What about that thick rubber paint.

  6. #6
    My Speciality - I am an official Pastie Applier....
    Many also come with a great clue (you should get enuf glue to apply them twice..- girls just have to make sure they are clean and DRY DRY..
    Just so you know if you wearing pasties.. and put on a top.. then you flash someone (even with pasties on) you can be arrested. It's called inciting a sex act. Well thats what it is in Havasu anyway...
    Here in havaus the entire areola msut be covered - if any part shows you can be arrested. (Especially if you are in the Channel or around NON-boaters.)
    Just my 2 cents from a person in havasu who have had a couple of friends NOT follow the rules and now must register as a sexy offender....

  7. #7
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    :rollside: :rollside: Pasties are totally unnessary. We prefer to see the WHOLE thing! :rollside: But if you need help designing of installing them let me know...

  8. #8
    She said areola.... :rollside:

  9. #9
    Pasties aren't legal on Powell,, but then again,, the Parkies (Park Service) doesn't enforce it, as long as you aren't topless or flashing in the marina or right next to a houseboat full of kids.

  10. #10
    Pasties aren't legal on Powell,, but then again,, the Parkies (Park Service) doesn't enforce it, as long as you aren't topless or flashing in the marina or right next to a houseboat full of kids.
    I remember flashing at only the "Parkies" one trip out there....ahhh those were the days!! :rollside:

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